“The first and last schoolmaster of life is living and - TopicsExpress


“The first and last schoolmaster of life is living and committing oneself unreservedly and dangerously to living; to men who know this an Aristotle and a Plato have much to say; but those who have imposed cautions on themselves and petrified themselves in a system of ideas, them the masters themselves will lead into error” ― Thornton Wilder, The Ides of March The Ides of March are ending. Today I watch the pups who are longing to play outside all day in the warm sun, we have stayed so cold, so dark, so damp for so long. So today I am sending an excerpt out of my new book, out last week. All of nature teaches us to not be afraid, to take actions, or to wait according to the laws of the universe. DAY 3: Firelight will not let you read fine stories but its warm and you wont see the dust on the floor. ~Irish Proverb We are each gifted in a unique and important way. It is our privilege and our adventure to discover our own special light. ~Evelyn Dunbar “Let there be light.” – Genesis 1:3 Some say that we practice the ways of the old craft, of the old wise women from long ago. This may be true, but recently more people are turning back to the ways of organic, natural, products rather than the chemical based ones so perhaps we are in the way of the “new and improved” old ways. Yet most of us would prefer not to go back to no electricity, fire for heat, no way to reach our loved ones to find out if each one is okay. Yes, we don’t cherish or relish the idea of going back to a time we would consider darkness. Yet yesterday we were hit with an ice storm, I used my technology as long as I could until the juice ran out, keeping on my iphone charged as much as possible in case the nursing home should have to call me about my mother. After 5 pm the dogs and I were in complete darkness. Now, thank goodness I make candles so I had a full shelf stocked, I have a green house so I had ceramic flower pots. So using tealights, and 2 ceramic flower pots I built a heater . We were warm and well lit. Yet as I realized we might be in darkness, we had inner light. I had time to rest, much needed, meditate, and find inner light. See, I needed that rest, I needed that dark to heal toward the light. So when we find ourselves in darkness of any kind, problems we can see that this darkness gives us time to stop, meditate, find our answers, then move toward the light. Animal totems: seal: Bro seal is much like Bro buffalo. Natives use every part even the bladder as water bladder. Seal also tells us through his medicine to balance light and dark, playful, and work. His totem always reminds us to rest as they love to nap in the sun on a rock in the light. Stone: Amethyst is a variety of Quartz and is a 6th Anniversary gemstone. Chakras - Third Eye Chakra, Crown Chakra Birthstone - February Zodiac - Virgo, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces Planet – Jupiter Element – Air, Water Gender: Male Deities: Mars, Jupiter, Mercury, Properties : calmness, quietness of spirit, gentle dreams and sleep, relieves anxiety. Herbs: Anise Seed: colds, congestion, cramps, lice, antibacterial, anti-cancer, aphrodisiac. Planet: Mercury/Jupiter Element: Air Deities-Apollo and Mercury Gender: Male chakra : Throat, solar plexus The magickal uses / properties is for contacting the Other Side, divination, love, passion, happiness. Recipe: Crisp Anise Seed Butter Cookies 4 cups all purpose flour 1 tablespoon baking powder 1/8 teaspoon salt 1 cup butter softened ( real butter rather than margarine is best ) 1 cup white sugar 2 eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla extract ( use real extract not imitation) 3 tablespoons anise seed – ( use real anise seeds ) ¼ cup white sugar ( for decoration purposes ) 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon ( for decoration purposes) …Daily Doses of Deborah, Volume 3, copyrighted March 2014 I am off as usual on Monday morning. This week my hours during the day will go back to my regular hours. Talk soon. May the fairies dance around us all today. Love ya, Me, Cherokee, Cidro, FrankieCapone, Sugar fortune cookie, T and the sweet spirit of bob and bets.
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 14:10:40 +0000

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