The first and most important contradiction that proves that Rome - TopicsExpress


The first and most important contradiction that proves that Rome is not the fourth kingdom occurs in Daniel 2:40 where God says through the prophet that the fourth kingdom“shall crush and shatter all of these.” That word for “crush” can also mean “pulverize” which is equal to turning something into a pile of bits that are unrecognizable from the pre-crushed state. By “these” the verse refers to the three earlier kingdoms. The most obvious problem with Rome as the iron empire is that Rome never conquered Persia let alone crushed it. Islam on the other hand defeated and conquered Babylon, Persia and Greece. Islam did not settle to simply conquer these other kingdoms, but pulverized them by instituting their religion, writing, language, laws and culture on the subdued people. Rome allowed conquered peoples to retain their own cultures. Islam never did, so Islam is a perfect match with this scripture, not Rome. thegospelintheendtimes/pulverized/
Posted on: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 23:11:27 +0000

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