The first card is Adjacent Possibilities which is telling us that - TopicsExpress


The first card is Adjacent Possibilities which is telling us that there are other options available to us if we are able to let go of old habits. And in order to do this we must be aware of our habits - especially any which need altering for our highest good. Remember that within every moment there is infinite possibility, so if it seems that you are stuck, it may simply be that the door on which you are knocking is not the door you should be opening. Perhaps it is the next door you should be trying to enter, but you are not seeing this door because you are too determined to open the one which is stuck or enduringly locked. Again, I am hearing an emphasis on the many possibilities in every moment. The opportunities are always there so start tuning into them!!! As you do, you will feel a sense of empowerment and also motivation to make the changes which will enhance your life and take you forward on your unique and special path. Be conscious, be aware, and be flexible and willing to take new and different action now. As a follow on and perhaps different perspective to the Adjacent Possibiilities card, Rhea (Protection) is here to remind you trust your instincts and intuition. What I am hearing in the way of connecting this and the first card, is that it is through our embracing of our natural instincts (such as Rheas instinct to defy Cronus and hide her son Zeus so that his father would not eat him) that we do what is right for us. And this may be the very way that you are encouraged to look at other possibilities this week. Have you thus far sought to take your next steps in accordance with societal expectation or external rules? You are being asked to take the very brave steps of following your inner moral compass and your inner oracle (owl) instead :-) This is in no way saying you should break laws which are in place for the peace and highest good of society, but it IS suggesting that you show respect to the life you have been given (and have chosen) by trusting your inner prompting as it is not about letting you down, or letting you fail!!! Truly. It is only through protecting your own body, mind, heart and spirit that you can then influence the outside world. You can only nurture and protect your family and friends, your creative purpose, your offerings to the world when you respect your own intuition and follow your guidance...and this does involve courage in letting go of external expectation if that expectation is in direct conflict with what is best for you. And trust your intuition...true intuition and not your egoic voice, will not lead you to destructive or harmful behaviour toward yourself or others...this arises from inner turmoil...and inner turmoil occurs when we are disconnected from our intuitive guidance. Trust yourself and create your life from a place of true honesty and self-love, for if every action you take is rooted in your personal truth, then all that you grow will be golden :-) The third card is Gratitude from Diana Coopers Atlantis deck. I adore this deck for no particular reason except the energy from the cards is so soft and subtle, yet so empowering too. This feels to me the perfect card to round out this weeks reading. I immediately felt, rather than heard, that one way to tune into the numerous possibilities which are open to us at all times, is through adopting and integrating within ourselves an attitude of gratitude. The more you are able to give thanks for all you have in life, from the seemingly insignificant to the obviously grand, the more you will be able to view opportunity and blessings as they are all around you. We are reminded that just because we may be blind to what is there for the taking, it does not mean it doesnt exist. So rather than scramble around trying to manifest your expectations out of thin air, adjust your vision, your outlook, your receptivity; and notice all that emerges on the horizon, that was previously beyond your sight. Consider that *insight* is a very strong way of seeing that almost always trumps physical seeing. So overall this weeks message is urging us to be open to the doors the universe is placing on our path, even if they do not look like the doors we have been trying to open. As usual, we are being reminded to listen to ourselves as the highest authorities on our true life purposes and paths, and through expressing gratitude for all we have in our lives we are better able to see all those opportunities - those doors - which will take us to the rooms we would like to enter. So trust yourself, protect yourself, in order to be of the highest service to yourself as well as others and therefore the world at large. Have a wonderful week, Lovelies, and may you be blessed not only with inifinite possibilities, but the vision to see them
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 22:15:47 +0000

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