The first card is the Willow Fairy and she is here to remind you - TopicsExpress


The first card is the Willow Fairy and she is here to remind you that as pure as you are, you have a side to you which may not please you but in fact is the side which helps give you strength in times of darkness. The darkness in you means you are able to recognise such darkness in others and through understanding comes a true ability to overcome...not only within your own space, but in dealing with the behaviour of others. This card also asks you to consider your needs...and your wants...and be completely honest about both. Are you moving forward on the path which you want to be on, or are you moving forward only for others? The Willow Fairy also asks you to open your mind and consider that previous activity may have been in vain...may have been for your greater good but without the blessing of those around you. This is a week to find yourself on the path which will bring not only peace and joy into your own world, but into the world of those around you, and the world at large. This has always been the ultimate goal...for whatever you do to bring joy to more than just yourself. This is the week to make sure that you are following your heart and not following expectation, unquestioned societal norms, or conditioned opinions. And while the message may seem contradictory, the spirit world wants to remind us that in the long run, and the bigger picture, only that which you do which not ONLY brings you joy but helps and heartens others, is our true purpose. The next card is Being True to Myself from the Language of Letting Go deck. The affirmation for this card is: (Today) I will honour, cherish, and love myself. When I get confused about what to do, I just have to remember that I need to be true to myself. I will break free of the hold that others - and their expectations - have on me. This card is here to also remind us that in the depths of our souls being true to ourselves involves the ways in which we can be of service to, and unify with, others. As we are all connected to one another, as we are all part of the greater cosmos, we cannot achieve our full potential without helping to lift those around us, too. And our third card for this week is Nature from the Atlantis deck. The main message of this card is Uniquity (uniqueness). In your day to day celebration and recognition of your uniquity and the strengths which arise from it, do not forget that others are too blessed with this beauty of individuality. Even where their differences may be hard for you to accept; try. Differences are a fact of life, and a way to direct us to focusing on that which we have in common. If we are human we have the same physical features in essence...beating hearts, blood, a figure. The details hold our beauty, our special attributes, but our human blueprint holds our unity and our common traits. And this is a week to focus on this...celebrate yourself but also celebrate others as they are. This week actively practice Do no (intentional) harm to yourself, others, or the world around us and send love and tolerance and acceptance to everyone, even those who seem unforgiveable. This is the way to bring positivity into your the immediate wellbeing of your intentions, as well as the long term echoes of your energetic output. And one last message which I just received...whenever you feel unbalanced and/or in need of centering, go for a walk, do something in nature, and engage with the natural beauty of Gaea. She will never fail to wake you up, boost your confidence, and increase your happiness. There is ALWAYS something in our natural world which reminds you of ALL you have to be grateful for. Remember to celebrate all your blessings this week and let go of the losses. Keep only the learning and the love :-) Have a wonderful week Lovelies and remember to not only love yourselves, but share your beauty and uniquity to touch the lives of those around you.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 21:28:42 +0000

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