The first celebration of the birth of the Christ was by magi from - TopicsExpress


The first celebration of the birth of the Christ was by magi from the east who according to scripture followed His star from the east to Bethlehem. They brought gifts after Jesus was born (Matt 2:1) not on the day He was born. Whatever day these magi arrived in Bethlehem, scripture says After coming into the house they saw the Child with Mary His mother; (Matt 2:11) .Notice baby Jesus is not in a manger at this point and the word for child in the text is not newborn but toddler. Both of these facts suggest that this first celebration of Jesus birth was not actually on the day of His birth but later. But is it possible to ascertain what date this first celebration occurred? The following video presents convincing evidence using modern spectroscopy and the Starry Night technology proving indeed there was a most significant appearance of a star over Bethlehem on none other than December the 25th of the year of Christs birth. All the nay sayers that suggest that this date is attributed to some other figure in history, all I can say is shame on you for being of so little faith. I am sure there were a lot events occurring on this date throughout history but we attribute it to a celebration of the brightest light ever come into this world as it is written A Light of revelation to the Gentiles, (Luke 2:32) . The Jews were given the feasts to celebrate but when the King was born of whom the feasts forshadowed, the Jews did not make the connection between the Messiahs birth and their appointed signs. Nevertheless God gave the gentile magi a sign in the sky and they did not dissappoint the Creators kind gesture but followed the clue to Bethlehem to worship the King.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 21:45:40 +0000

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