The first chapter .. Entitled الفرمانات and campaigns - TopicsExpress


The first chapter .. Entitled الفرمانات and campaigns suffered by Yazidis since the beginning of the Ottoman Empire until the end of the eighteenth century .. Begins the reasons for the military campaigns on the Yezidis as a prelude to enter the campaigns the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries and then campaigns and governors of Baghdad, which Slzlea campaign Hassan Pasha in 1715 AD and the campaign of Ahmed Pasha in 1733 AD and the campaign of Suleiman Pasha in 1752 and then campaign Nadir Shah , which continued for the period from 1732 to 1743 and then campaigns Aljalilin campaign and the Emirate of sheikhs and campaigns on the Yazidi Mount Sinjar ... Chapter II .. الفرمانات and campaigns during the nineteenth century the first Ottoman campaigns on the Yezidis .. Campaign Ali Pasha in 1802 and the campaign of Suleiman Pasha small 1809 and the campaign Aingh Bayraqdar 1835 and the campaign of Rashid Pasha aware 1836 campaign Hafiz Pasha 1837 and the campaign of Mohammed Sharif Pasha 1844-1845 AD and the campaign of Mohammed Pasha Criddle Ihsanoglu 1845-1846 AD and the campaign of drone Pasha 1846-1847 and the campaign Ayoub your 1891 campaign team Omar Wahbi Pasha 1892 campaign and then Bakr Pasha 1894 .. Secondly, the princes of the Kurds campaigns on the Yezidi Kurds .. Campaign Mohammed Pasha السوراني ( Mary ßćŃĺ ) 1832-1834 AD and your Badrkhan campaign 1844 .. Chapter III ... Addresses الفرمانات and campaigns during the twentieth century and even today that contains clauses dealing with the displacement of Yazidis during the massacres of Armenians and then campaign Abraham your 1981 and the campaign of 1935, and then campaigns Anfal during the period from 1963 to 2007 AD and fatwas extremists and bring waste of blood Yazidis and the plight of Sinjar August 2007 and then Conclusion supplements and a list of sources and references ...
Posted on: Wed, 02 Oct 2013 18:42:21 +0000

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