The first goal of the Church is to preach the Gospel of the - TopicsExpress


The first goal of the Church is to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom of God as it was given to Jesus Christ (Mat. 4:17, 10:7, 11:1; Mk. 1:38-39; Mk. 3:14, 16:15; Lk. 4:43, 9:60). The Church is to preach good tidings unto the meek, to bind up the broken hearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, open the prison to them that are bound (or bruised) (Isa. 61:1), and the recovery of sight to the blind (Lk. 4:18), and to heal the sick (Lk. 9:2). There are untold thousands of people that are sick, depressed, abused and hurting. Yet once we know and understand God’s Plan, repent and receive the Holy Spirit, God’s healing powers come upon us and we can go on to do many great things. Christ charged his disciples to preach the Gospel of repentance, giving them authority over the demons or unclean spirits (Mk. 6:7,12; Lk. 10:1,17-20). We, as the Church, have this same charge placed upon us.
Posted on: Mon, 23 Sep 2013 14:04:09 +0000

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