The first thing we would like to do is thank everyone for the - TopicsExpress


The first thing we would like to do is thank everyone for the encouraging words and personal story’s some of you shared with me. It was exactly the inspiration I needed. Now on the days I’m not with her it has been a lot easier to remind myself that I have done the best I can to be the best daddy regardless of our situation. A lot of people say to me that they can’t believe how well I am doing with all of this. I’m going to share with you a trick I use. Whenever I let the terrifying days start to get the best of me and the self pity starts to creep in I tell myself that some parents will always have it worse. There are so many examples of that. One thing I think to myself is how does the parent whose child goes missing and is later found dead in a ditch somewhere deal? Or any parent whos child is here one day and gone the next for whatever reason is a HUGE inspiration to me. I know it’s a dark and terrifying thought but it’s real life. Ok, enough about daddy. Guess what!? Our hero has been able to go to school a few times! She got to go on a fieldtrip and then attend a few other special events. Abby was in her glory! All the kids are so kind and treat her like the hero she is. I’m so proud of the kids these days and the teachers and parents that have raised and taught them. I think it’s a shame that the kids who shoot up schools make the news and everyone knows their name but the kids who support the bald kid with open arms and are proud to even say they know her get no publicity whatsoever. Just sayin. One of the most exciting events over the last few weeks was the trip we took to South Dakota to visit Graces daddies farm for the weekend to attend Graces conformation ceremony at her church. Grace is one of her best friends and she’s 14. Abby adores her and looks up to her like the big sister she never had. Grace has been one of Abbys biggest cheerleaders and I know she made a positive difference in Abbys fight. Abby has heard storys of Grace wearing her cowboy boots when she is at her daddys so Abbybrought her cowboy boots and wore them the whole weekend . Abbys friend Alex turned ten and he invited Abby to his party and she was the only girl he invited. Abby had a BLAST playing all the games and eating pizza with the boys. Yup, I know what you’re thinking and yes that makes me nervous! Lol. Nov. 7th was my birthday and I was lucky enough to get the day off so we could spend the whole day together and for the first time in two years we spent it at home! It is the best birthday gift I have ever received. Abbys hair is coming in fast to the point that she has bed head in morning! Yeah, it’s a funny thing for us to be excited about. She is still taking several meds everyday but everything has been great but this week her rashes started to show up again. Abbys doctors have been slowly lowering her dose of steroids. They are what have been keeping the GVH under control. Now her does will stay the same for a little while longer and she has a special cream she applies ever morning and night that is supposed to help. I compare it to when you super glue something and you have to hold it in place for awhile then when you decide to slowly let go of it and it starts to come unglued so you simply add more glue and hold it in place just a little bit longer till it stays on its own. We are all praying that it will be that simple and to date our prayers have been answered. I have faith this will be no different. Thank you for keeping the prayers coming and thanks for coming along with use on this journey. You will never know how much it matters and means to us! God bless, we will talk soon!
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 03:40:13 +0000

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