The first transport of prisoners from Tarnow to the concentration - TopicsExpress


The first transport of prisoners from Tarnow to the concentration camp in Auschwitz. June 14, 1940, in the morning, the SS-men lead a group of 728 Poles Krakow Street towards the railway ramp. 13 June 1940, with 3,000 prison group called 753 prisoners on the basis of a previously prepared list. In the afternoon returned to bath building ( in order to disinfect, and swimming, which lasted all night. In the morning the next day promised a hot and sunny day. In the morning, the wyludnionymi at this time through the streets, escorted SS-men, marching the prisoners moved in the direction of the railway ramp. None of the prisoners do not know yet where to go and. .. In Auschwitz we were greeted by camp with the words: Healthy and young have a right to live no longer than three months ... Hence the output leads only through the chimney and. .. From a group of 753 inmates to the camp reached their 728. It is known that one has been released from the railway ramp, as for the other, missing 24 inmates-their fates are unknown. (Translated by Bing)
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 19:05:52 +0000

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