The five souls taken in this barbaric, cowardly terror attack were - TopicsExpress


The five souls taken in this barbaric, cowardly terror attack were generous, spiritual, kind, and tremendously loving honourable men of the utmost level. HaRav Moshe Twersky HY”D : HaRav Moshe Twersky HY”D, 60, was a steady participant in the minyan for the past seven years or so. He was Rosh Kollel Yeshivas Toras Moshe. He was a grandson of Rav Yoshe Ber Solovechik ZT”L and a son-in-law of Rav Abba Berman ZT”L. The rabbi was a US citizen. He is survived by Rebbetzin Bashy, who is a prominent teacher in Hadar seminary, and their five children – three sons and two daughters – aged 23-33, and ten grandchildren. Rav Aryeh Kupinsky HY”D: Rabbi Aryeh Kupinsky HY”D, 43, was a US citizen too. He was a regular at the minyan where the attack occurred. The family has known tragedy as Rav Aryeh’s 13-year-old daughter, Chaya Chana was niftar 3 years ago in her sleep. Rav Aryeh was known as a man of chessed and ran a gemach. He was known to never refuse anyone seeking assistance in any form, always seeking ways to assist others. His oldest son learns in Yeshiva Gaon Yaakov in Bnei Brak, headed by Maran HaGaon HaRav Aaron Yehuda Leib Shteinman Shlita. He is survived by his wife and five children, ages 5-16. Rav Kalman Ze’ev Levine HY”D: Rabbi Kalman Ze’ev Levine HY”D, 55, was born in the United States. After getting married he devoted his time to kollel in Har Nof. Relatives describe him as one who was always happy and upbeat. He was makpid to be mesamayach chosson and kallah when he attended weddings. His family was dear to his heart and he made a point of participating in all family events. Rav Kalman attended the Lev Avraham Kollel in Meah Shearim and the evening kollel in the shul, Kehillas Bnei Torah. He was known to stop learning at 10:27 to have several minutes to prepare for maariv to enable himself to daven as he felt one must with proper Kavanah… He is survived by 9 children, some still unmarried Hashem Yirachem…. and 5 grandchildren. R’ Avraham Goldberg HY”D: Rabbi Avraham Goldberg HY”D, 68, was born in Britain. He made aliyah in 1991. He usually was makpid to daven neitz and he was among those in the shul when the attack occurred. He was an educational advisor in the chareidi community. Friends explain he was committed to the time he dedicated to limud, and always exerted himself to advance in his comprehension of his limud. He is survived by his wife and six children. The fifth victim, Zidan Nahad Seif, a Druze policeman seriously wounded during the incident, died after being hospitalized in critical condition in Hadassah Hospital with a gun shot wound to the head. Seif, from the Western Galilee village of Yanuh-Jat, was killed when he burst into the synagogue in an attempt to stop the slaughter. Mada Hasbani, head of the Yanuh-Jat local council, who visited Seif in hospital on Tuesday afternoon, said that the policeman came from a veteran village family. Its a family of values, he said. The boy acted as was expected of him and according to the standards and values that his parents instilled in him. Seif, 30, joined the traffic police four-and-a-half years ago and recently reached the rank of sergeant-major. He married Rinal in summer 2013 and their first daughter, also named Rinal, was born four months ago. Baruch Dayan HaEmet May their memories be blessed.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 04:16:36 +0000

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