The following 15 thoughts/beliefs/behaviors are distorted and - TopicsExpress


The following 15 thoughts/beliefs/behaviors are distorted and unhealthy. *************************** Dont believe these 15 lies: 1. Five more minutes of sleep will help me. The snooze button seems like a good idea while sleepy, but youll get much more benefit from going to sleep earlier and not interrupting the last 30 minutes of your sleep every five minutes. In fact, the science suggests that using the snooze buttons does more harm than good. 2. I need ____ to be happy. The only word that fits in that blank is contentment. The idea that you need anything else isnt true. 3. All [type of people] are [attribute]. Stereotypes dont just hurt other people, they hurt the ones who make them. If you assume, for example, that all men are jerks because you know a few of them, youll miss out on the ones who arent. 4. Im better or worse than other people. We can sort people by height, income, weight, race, and favorite football team, but were all human; were all important and valuable. We have different attributes, abilities, and skills, but no person should be defined (for better or worse) by those alone. 5. I cant change. Change is possible if you go about it the right way. Most people try to change everything at once, which doesnt work. Change must be done methodically: it takes time and repetition for the subconscious to process and accept it. Aim for consistency, not quantity. 6. Trying is futile. Trying is everything! Stephen King was rejected dozens of times before he became one of the worlds best-selling authors. When other authors would have stopped trying, he didnt. If youre not trying, then what are you doing? Trying is everything! 7. The world is against me. Generally speaking, the world is neither for or against you. Remember that you teach the world how to treat you. Think again about Stephen King being rejected so many times. The world wasnt against him, it just hadnt noticed him yet. Keep trying. 8. My dreams are dead. As long as youre alive, so are your dreams. Thats the most logical way to look at it. 9. Im too young or too old to make a difference. If you look throughout history, youll see that people of all ages have shaped it. Dont use age as an excuse. Use it as extra motivation, if anything. 10. If Im not motivated, I cant take action. Motivation doesnt precede action — it follows action. When I realized and applied this, I changed my life. Im in the best shape of my life, Im reading and writing daily, and Im a best-selling author; its all directly a result of not believing this lie anymore. 11. Im stuck. This isnt a lie, actually. Because if you believe it, then youll be it. Dont believe it though, because the present moment is neutral, and an opportunity to move forward. 12. People dont like me. It may be true that some people dont like you, but there are 7 billion of us on Earth. Find your people. 13. Im not talented enough. Talent isnt nearly as important as practicing. Natural talent helps, but its hardly ever a make or break factor. 14. I want candy. Your taste buds want candy and your brain probably wants the sugar-triggered reward. But your body wants broccoli. You only want candy on a superficial level. Deep down, you want broccoli and you want it raw. Mmm! 15. I am a victim. Its not correct to say that you are a victim in the present moment. Maybe you were a victim, but if youre currently free, youre no longer a victim. Its best to avoid the victim mindset. Victims have things happen to them, while non-victims are free to create their own path. No matter what has happened to you before, you can begin a new path and a new life today. Stephen Guise
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 16:02:16 +0000

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