The following ditty was done to commemorate my good friend and - TopicsExpress


The following ditty was done to commemorate my good friend and former schoolmate of NBSS and old Toa Payoh Lorong 8 neighbour on his impending coming home to ASEAN from his downunder sojourn. I have borrowed it back to emplaced it in this column for others, and more to enjoy and hopefully, someone to pick up his baton to polish it up and dress it with appropriate musical scores so that even more can enjoy. Too bad during my time at RTS/SBC did not produce or elicit any musical talent out of this square peg! Despite being persuaded by the likes of Winston Filmer, Theresa Khoo, Horace Wee , Julai Tan and company to buy a good Yamaha guitar, I bought one with harh-earned savings, but never got round to mastering or playing it because I was shortly thereafter, promoted and transferred to Min. Finance, Budget/Treasury, and there left to play with figures and S11 calculations and provisions/budgetting. Anyway the ditty for all it is worth: The SingaporeLittle Red Dot Refrain The World is our stage, We ought not to part till weve filled our page. We are beholden to The Great One/The Almighty One, Who is Number One to everyone. He has us created, It is up to us to continue forth, unabated. We must thus not shirk our part, We had best make our early start. What is best to do our bit for Humankind? Everything! And Anything that helps to bind, That makes all hearts shine whater the race, colour or creed, It counts, if a smile results, indeed! Oftentimes, things may not come our way as it should, But it is up to us - ourselves, to ensure that it just would! Everyday brings new tomorrows, We could do a simple deed to alleviate some sorrows. No one, yes no one, ought to be left out, Why, all we need is take up the hoe and show our clout! We can make the mark, It can be a walk in the park! Everyone should be treated fair, But we all know that in this world, it is full of despair! Should we then make more pain? So that, Happiness seem all but in vain? Let us right now, join in the refrain: We can always retrain!. We can even make the Sun and the Rain, Simply come and go if only well try and well always sustain! Done @5.42am, 28 Oct 2013 Fm senfattchen, Singapore via FB to WongDL, DownUnder/Australia
Posted on: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 04:02:02 +0000

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