The following excerpt, taken from an article written by ROSS - TopicsExpress


The following excerpt, taken from an article written by ROSS ENAMAIT on his blog, describes my training mentality perfectly. START OF EXCERPT OF ARTICLE FROM ROSS ENAMAITS BLOG DONT TRAIN DISTRACTED To make the most of your training, there must be laser-like focus. You can’t be distracted. One of my greatest strengths is my ability to tune out the world around me. When I’m training, I’m training. That’s it. I don’t want to talk. I don’t want to act friendly. I don’t want to do anything but train. I don’t care what you did last night. I don’t care about tonight’s game. I don’t care about the weather. I don’t care what’s happening in the world. I don’t care whose commenting on Facebook or Twitter. All that I’m worried about is my next set. My phone is off, the music is loud, and I’m oblivious to the world around me. In between sets, I pace back and forth. I listen to violent and vulgar music. I might spit. I might yell. I might look and act like an animal. I don’t care. I’m alone and I’m focused. No one can distract me. That’s how I roll. I’m fortunate that there isn’t a hidden camera in my garage gym. I’m also fortunate that the thoughts that run through my head while lifting are not broadcast to the rest of the world. It’s just me and my workout. I can deal with whatever I need to deal with after. That’s the type of focus I need to push myself to where I need to be pushed. There is no other way I could approach a massive weight and lift it in a casual or distracted state of mind. I need laser-like focus. I need an intense, aggressive mindset for my body to respond optimally. Now as I type this entry, I’m not encouraging everyone to enter my world of craziness. What I am doing however is encouraging you to at least put down your phone. It is impossible to focus 110 percent on your next exercise if you are playing with your phone in between sets. Almost any time I check my Facebook news feed, I find someone who is posting updates or commenting while at the gym. These people can’t separate themselves from their phone. Don’t make that mistake. Put the phone down and focus on your training. Whether you are texting, browsing the web, or interacting on a social network, it’s a distraction. Someone or something has taken precedence over your development. We are all busy. That doesn’t mean you can’t set aside time for yourself. Put the rest of the world on hold when training. We will all be here when you get back. +++++ The successful warrior is the average man, with laser-like focus. – Bruce Lee END OF EXCERPT The words of wisdom which closes the article, by Sifu Bruce, describe the foundation of true training success. If you want something very badly, you should be prepared to go after it like a rabid dog. Anything else, and its just you wasting your own time. So when its raining, when the air feels like its blowing in from the arctic circle, the chill seems to reach your feet and skin, no matter how many pairs of socks and layers of clothing you wear, when your bones creak like an old aspen being teased by hinterland winds, and the warmth of your bed calls to you so invitingly, that is the perfect time to ask yourself this question: JUST HOW BADLY DO I WANT IT? Remember, folks: LIVE STRONG, LIVE LONG.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Nov 2013 23:25:43 +0000

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