The following is Camdens letter to the President, Barack Obama. We - TopicsExpress


The following is Camdens letter to the President, Barack Obama. We didnt know he had written it until it had already been sent. Its long but I think its worth the read. Stacy Dear President Barack Obama, My name is Camden Kroll. I’m in 7th grade, 12 years old, and I live in Montgomery, Texas. I’m hoping that this gets to your desk and that you have the chance to read it. I wanted to discuss with you my political views, which are different than the majority of Americans. Sir, I used to classify myself as a Democrat. My parents vote democrat, and everything I heard was mostly reasonable. For years I listened to everything my parents and community members said on their view of politics. I absorbed it all- Democratic and Republican views. I always denied Republican beliefs, trusting that my parents know best. As I got older and started to use social media such as Facebook, I liked your page and other Democratic politicians. For a couple more years I listened, just taking in all that information without question. But now, at this age, I have actually decided to think for myself instead of just using what I hear. I have not changed sides, but instead I view America and American politics differently. I’m hoping that you can understand me in what I’m about to say. When I was in school a couple weeks back, I had to read a paper that talked about the first political parties: The Federalists and the Democratic-Republicans. I thought it would be interesting to learn more about them. But I didn’t realize what truth was about to be revealed to me. The paper stated that George Washington and many Founding Fathers disapproved of political parties and Washington said that he wouldn’t allow them. He said this: The alternate domination of one faction over another, sharpened by the spirit of revenge natural to party dissension, which in different ages & countries has perpetrated the most horrid enormities, is itself a frightful despotism. But this leads at length to a more formal and permanent despotism. The disorders & miseries, which result, gradually incline the minds of men to seek security & repose in the absolute power of an Individual: and sooner or later the chief of some prevailing faction more able or more fortunate than his competitors turns this disposition to the purposes of his own elevation, on the ruins of Public Liberty.” In 21st century terms, he said that political parties would be the downfall of America. I took that into consideration and applied that quote to today. I have to say that it made me realize something. George Washington was right. What good have political parties done for America? Very little. What have they done? Divided and separated Americans. I look at politics today and notice how it is rarely possible to have a bill passed, especially due to a divided House and Senate. What good have we achieved in the last few decades? Not much, because Americans are divided into two different classes instead of being united as one group. About a week ago I made a Facebook post that I think more clearly states my point. The Washington quote was included, however I choose to exclude it now that you have seen it. You also might have to try to imagine applying the quote, as some of the post refers to it: My friends, George Washington said this when the idea of political parties were presented to him. In 21st century meaning, one of our nations greatest President stated that political parties lead to the destruction and division of America, a great nation that is home to my heart, and one I hold a deep love for. President Washington seemingly predicted the future. We all know, and all should admit that political parties have torn apart America. We are divided in many parties. We all know that two parties agreeing is a hopeless goal. We all fight, tearing at each other and spewing hateful, condescending insults, shooting down ideas, and killing hope and change. All political parties have destroyed America more than theyve fixed it. What good does passing a law do if there are still people trying to get rid of it? We all want change and the best for our beloved country, but how can we achieve this with constant hate and arguing? How many laws have been passed in America within the last few decades? How many go without people trying to make it go away? If we try, we can agree. We can be a non-partisan country that agrees and isnt separated. What do we have in common? Well, I know one thing. Were all Americans. Thats something. We all want the best for our nation. Thats another. And we can all agree on at least one thing: America needs reform and change, or else we will fall. We all need to face the facts: America isnt getting much better. Its all an illusion, and something we want to believe. I dont want to turn America blue or red. I want to turn it purple. If we as Americans unite into one group, a group that is not classified as a party but as a group of citizens, we can make change and agree. It seems like a rough, rocky road ahead. There will be disagreements, fighting, and resolution. To be able to believe in this we all need hope. Hope that we can change tomorrow and make the days the come the best we can if we put a strong, valiant effort into it. Hope that we can unite as Americans and not as Democrats or Republicans. Some may say its impossible, but with a belief in a better future, we can disprove that. Even if the new system seems like a hopeless dream, at least try to come together as Americans and make the best of the country you can. Be the change you want to see in the world. ---Mahatma Gandhi I do not like that man. I must get to know him better. ---Abraham Lincoln I WILL take this idea throughout America, all the way to the White House and Oval Office. But Ill need some help. Can I rely on my other fellow Americans to unite with me and assist me? Do I have hope that Americans can become one group, non-partisan and not politically biased? Without light, how can we see which way to go in the darkness? What can fuel our light? Hope that we can all unite as one. I ask that to absorb this message, you reread it at least once. Now, I think my message is clear. What do you think? I feel like as Americans, we are not doing our job to make the country the best it can be. How can we bring America to the top if we’re divided? It seems to me like there is another Civil War in America, just without killing and violence. Words can be a very powerful weapon. I believe that we are all to blame for the current stage we are at in America. We all can fix this and could’ve in the past. But now, we’re so deep in this political discourse that we’ve been buried by the dirt that is hate, division, and destruction. The light is no longer visible. And as Americans, it is our duty to dig ourselves out of this hole and see the light that is hope. Hope for a better future. Hope that we can all unite. Hope that the pain and arguing can settle down. I know that by trying to dissolve political parties, there will be a lot of discourse. And even if we do achieve this goal, the road to success will be bumpy and hard to travel on. But that is because it is the road less traveled. How many Americans have tried to go on this road, the one that leads to greater peace? Not very many. I don’t know if there have ever been any. We need to travel down that path so we can create a better America. For centuries we have taken the road most traveled because it seems easier. But is the place that that path leads where we really want to go? To be able to get to the better America, we’re going to have to face great pain. Why does the road less traveled have so much junk on it? Because nobody bothered to clean it up by going on it. The junk is just like the dirt. Hate, division, and destruction. But, there is a solution. If we were to forget our political differences, we could work together not as Democrats or Republicans or Libertarians, but as Americans. We can make it there. We can if we try. We can! We can! WE CAN! We have to believe that it’s possible. “Anything you can imagine is real” ----Walt Disney. If we can imagine a better future, then it is real. If we have the courage and alacrity as Americans united, then we can all bring a good fight to the monster that lies on that path, blocking our success. In enough of a force, we can tear down that monster and reach success! We have to be persistent and brave. America is known to have many people with these traits. Let us stop using our power against each other, and instead against the evil force that stands in the way of peace. I know we can’t make America a paradise where nothing is wrong and everything is perfect, but we can come very close if we try. If we don’t try, we aren’t getting anywhere. If we don’t try, America will keep falling lower and lower and lower and lower until it slams against the hard ground and becomes permanently disabled to the point where there is no chance of being able to be a great place. The more we use this power against each other and not against that monster and junk that lies on the path to success, the more it’s going to hurt. More junk will be blown in by the wind and that monster will grow on our hate and division. We have to stop this. We have to face that monster NOW! We have to try! Is there anyone that ever lived that gained success by not trying? NO! I know that if we achieve a non-partisan America, there will be disagreement. However, if we have hope that there is a better future ahead of us, and try to realize that we do no good arguing and not being united as Americans, we can try to compromise. Compromise is the key to success. There is a door that stands behind that monster on the road to success, and we need a key to open it. That key is compromise. And we have to obtain that key by uniting together as Americans. So, Mr. President, what do you say? Do you think achieving this is possible, and best for America? Are you willing to step on junk, fight a gargantuan monster, and find compromise, the key to that door on the path? The fight will be long and hard, probably the hardest battle we will have to stand. But with perseverance, it is possible to achieve success. And even if we fail to beat this monster, we’ll just come back again when we’re better prepared. Michael Jordan was cut from his high school basketball team, but look where he is now. He’s a millionaire and a professional basketball player because he worked hard and kept trying through all of the hard strain. Like I said before, bringing together Americans and getting rid of political parties is going to be a very difficult thing. But we have to try, or else we might not ever know if success is possible. If Michael Jordan stopped trying when he was cut from his high school team, he never would’ve realized what a success he would become. If you’ve noticed, I’ve used success a lot in this letter. The reason is because SUCCESS IS THE TOP. We can reach success! Success is the key to the BEST America we can create! We can become better Americans! We can become better people! We can go up to that big monster on the path and say, “You don’t have a chance against us. WE WILL PREVAIL! WE WILL SUCCEED! WE WILL COMPROMISE, AND NO LONGER WILL YOU FEED ON OUR DIVISION! YOU WILL SLOWLY BE REMOVED FROM THIS EARTH! YOU WILL NO LONGER EXIST, BECAUSE WE CAN UNITE AS AMERICANS AND DEFEAT YOU, YOU HORRIBLE MONSTER!” Come on, Mr. President! You still have a few years left as President of the greatest nation on Earth! You can make this happen! You can be the start of the reconstruction of America! We don’t have to rewrite our Constitution and our laws! We just have to realize what both parties have in common: wanting to make America the best it can be! Let us forget our differences and focus on this idea! You can start the repair of America, Mr. President! You can contribute! It’s not too late! I’ll tell you one thing, Mr. President. I WILL FIGHT! I will do my VERY BEST to support this idea. But alas, one man cannot do it alone. I need the support of my fellow Americans to lift me up to the TOP! And you are one of the very many people who can assist me in that! Read this letter to all of the Senators and Representatives! Read it to Joe Biden, or whoever you feel like! Spread the word, Mr. President, if you believe in it of course! Help America reach the top! DO YOUR BEST! FIGHT UNTIL YOU HAVE NO FIGHT LEFT IN YOU! I know I will. I will try to gain supporters for my cause. And if you were to do the same, I would LOVE it! I already have an Uncle who is Republican that supports my idea. Look at that! A Republican and Democrat agreed! We can make it happen again and again and again and again! We have to WORK HARD! I KNOW that you always try your very best to achieve your goals. I KNOW that if you try, you can gain the support of many Americans. I know that it won’t be easy to gain support, and I don’t yet have a more in-depth plan as to unite all of the Americans just yet. But I will soon! My Uncle that is a Republican has already nominated me as a candidate for President! I WILL run whenever possible! I want to bring this change to America as much as I want to breathe! I once read a saying that said, “The only people that are mad at you for speaking the truth are those who are living a lie. Keep speaking the truth.” We are ALL living a lie. And we need to start speaking the truth. We must have hope to change America! Mr. President, I have plenty to say but I do not want to bore you by repeating the same thing over and over again. The only reason I had before was encouragement. I think that if you believe in my cause, you are encouraged enough already. I’m just one of those people that can’t stop encouraging. I have to stop though, or else this letter will be a hundred pages long. So what do you say Mr. President? Are you with me? If you were to reply to this letter, I would be very appreciative. Sincerely, Camden Turner Kroll, 12 years old Also, I have a joke if you would like to hear it: If Pro means forward and Progress is moving forward, then what is the opposite? Con means against so that would mean Congress. Currently, with a divided House and Senate, this is true.
Posted on: Fri, 04 Apr 2014 21:46:19 +0000

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