The following is a continuing post from the book: What you believe - TopicsExpress


The following is a continuing post from the book: What you believe chapter 6 The mission of Jesus. This book is not yet published. “For I say unto you, I will not drink of the fruit of the vine, until the kingdom of God shall come (Mark 14:25 KJV).” Jesus was telling his followers that when His blood was again united with His body, the kingdom of God would be here. Heaven and earth would again be united. The fruit of the vine is wine which represents Jesus’s blood. Remember that man was originally given dominion over the earth. Therefore it is man who chooses what and who will be on the earth. Before the crucifixion, many shouted to Pilot, Crucify Him! They did not want Jesus on the earth. As we partake of communion, we are saying that we do want Him on the Earth. We are saying we are not in agreement with those who do not want Him. Remember that agreement is central to faith. Communion is not an enhanced opportunity to pray. Again, “do this in remembrance of me.” Faith can greatly increase when we understand what we are doing. If we understand it, we can be in agreement with it. Keeping an image of Jesus within our minds as we take communion also provides agreement. Knowing we are uniting Jesus’s Body and Blood is our invitation to Him to come back to us. It also allows Jesus to live within us. Jesus’s mission was no less than the unification of heaven and earth. Within the Lord’s Prayer is Jesus’s entire mission. It shows the relationship between us and our Father. It asks us to join in Jesus’s desire for the unification of heaven and earth. Remember that the split beliefs of Satan tend to split things and people. When man fell victim to these beliefs, it split heaven from earth. “Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven (Matthew 6:10 KJV).” Our Father’s will being done is what makes heaven, heaven. If our Father’s will is done on earth, then earth and heaven is one kingdom. Again, “For I say unto you, I will not drink of the fruit of the vine, until the kingdom of God shall come.” This kingdom of God only waits for our faith. We supply this faith by uniting Jesus’s Body and Blood. The crucifixion made Jesus the God of this world. As we unite His body and blood, heaven and earth become one kingdom with Jesus being the God of the earth. Thus we have a return to paradise. Original sin is undone. Remember that God considered paradise as a proper home for man. As far as heaven is concerned, Jesus is already the God of this world. “Worthy is the Lamb (Revelation 5:12 ASV).” That is truth. Recall Satan’s belief that God should be deposed and that he (Satan) should become god. Recall that when Adam handed over dominion over the earth to Satan, Satan became the god of this world. Recall that when Jesus became man, God was deposed. Recall that Satan’s faith was satisfied in the opposite way. Jesus, the deposed God, now man, could now become the god of this world. In affect, He became just like Adam before Adam’s fall. With Satan’s faith fully satisfied, Jesus’s faith must be fully satisfied. When satisfied, things will be just as God had originally created them to be. However this truth has not yet been transposed to us. It awaits our faith. If we look close, we can also see the workings of Satan’s faith, God’s faith, and our faith within the crucifixion. Recall from chapter two that Satan’s power comes from splitting beliefs. Recall also that this has the effect of splitting the spirits of people, and splitting one person from another. God’s faith and our faith bring things and people together. Thus as Satan’s faith physically split Jesus’s body from His blood, our faith physically and spiritually unite that body and blood. Again, to briefly explain, a split belief is any belief that appears to be two beliefs but is actually only one belief. Good and evil is an example. If you believe in good, you must also believe in evil. Therefore any being that believes in one must also believe in the other. One is not capable of judging what is good unless he believes he has knowledge of what is not good. Since faith brings reality from beliefs, both conditions are created for that individual. Jesus was not born with original sin. After he said no to the temptations of Satan, His spirit could not be split; but His body and blood could be split. Jesus’s body could be split because it, like ours, is made of the things of the earth. Satan is the god of the earth. Again, while Jesus’s body would be taken into heaven, His blood would remain on the earth. Since Satan’s faith splits beliefs, splits the spirits of man, and splits one man from another, it would also split the body of Jesus from the blood of Jesus. Satan’s beliefs would require this. Satan’s faith would power the splitting or separation of the blood from the body. Recall from chapter four that our faith and God’s faith work in the opposite way from Satan’s faith. God’s faith and our faith bring two or more things together. “Wherever two or more are gathered in my name, I am there (Matthew 18:20 KJV).” As Satan’s faith split Jesus’s body and blood, God’s faith, along with our faith, reunite that body and blood. We bring together that body and blood. Please remember this when you take communion. I am convinced that your faith in what you are doing will be stronger if you know why you are doing it. Also, please keep an image of Jesus in your mind as you take communion. You have a very important role to play. Even if you did not know the above, faith could still read Jesus’s intentions buried in your unconscious. However, having conscious knowledge of the above makes your faith more complete. It brings your conscious mind together with your unconscious. Recall that faith unite things and people. It is hoped that one can see exactly what Jesus actually did and why. When I view God’s dealing with the beliefs of Satan, I am almost overwhelmed by the intelligence of God. Because of our belief in the knowledge of good and evil, we were subject to death. Remember that Satan was the god of this world and a god of destruction. Because of original sin, life meant death. Because of the crucifixion, death means life. Jesus being of the opposite faith brings the opposite results. Washing the feet of the disciples removed the dust of the earth. Satan is the God of the earth. Thus the earth has a way of leaving its mark upon us all. The earth sticks to us. In Genesis, it is written: “And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters Genesis 1:2 KJV).” The deep is water. Thus water bound Satan before the creation of man. In baptism, it is water that repels Satan. When Jesus cast out demons, they asked not to be cast in water. When Jesus was on the cross, a Roman soldier pierced His side with a spear. Water and blood poured out. Jesus said of John the Baptist: “Verily I say unto you. Among them that are born of women there hath not risen a greater than John the Baptist (Matthew 11:11 KJV).” Think about this statement. Clearly, the use of water is a divinely inspired tool. Perhaps, the water that poured out of Jesus’s side is the first half of the lake of fire. As we begin to live in God’s truth, we begin to see things the way they were actually created. The chasm between heaven and earth begins to disappear. God’s faith brings things together. God creates things and beings that are precious and unique. As one’s spirit becomes the way God created it, he begins to see how precious and unique all forms of life are. The beauty is awe-inspiring. The sweetness of the individual spirits that occupy the bodies of plants and animals are revealed. As one experiences the sweetness of creation, he may wonder if the sweetness of our creator could ever be fully realized. The knowledge of good and evil blocks most of us from seeing this. It does so by its beliefs in status. Status can only be gained by taking the importance from some things and giving that importance to other things. In other words, to see some things as more, we have to see other things as less. This is done within one’s thinking. The faith in these beliefs causes the chasm between heaven and earth for that individual. He can only see earth from within his own perspective. He cannot see it as God created it. He cannot see it as an extension of heaven. His faith is creating his reality from his beliefs. It will remain this way until he puts heaven first. “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you (Matthew 6:33 KJV).” Our internal voices assign the status of some as higher than others. It also assigns man as having more status than plants or animals. Also, one consciously or unconsciously judges what deserves his time. Thus, as he gives himself or other important beings the importance belonging to the common and ordinary; the common and ordinary will always remain that way to him. He is deprived of the beauty, peace, and love that his spirit craves. His judgment has cast him out of the garden. It does so because he is seeking the same things Eve and Adam sought. Since he believes in Satan’s ways, the split between heaven and earth remains for him. It does not matter if the belief is willful choice or ignorance. Faith is faith. Its job is to fulfill beliefs. Since he lives without God, he makes religion his god. Therefore God becomes a part of his life instead of being the center of his life. For God to work His magic, He must be first in a person’s life. In this way it is He that you truly have faith in. Can you see that if you merely make time for God you are actually placing Him as secondary to other things and people? “Abide in me first, then all other things are possible (John 15:7 KJV).” This is not because God is greedy or jealous. It is because whatever you place as most important is where your faith truly lies. Remember that Satan changes reality by changing the importance of things. If you place God first in your life, you will begin to see the beauty of the world as He sees it. Though man has more worth than other life forms does not mean he is above them. Status is Satan’s invention. Status has never existed in God’s beliefs. God is a God of the small as well as the large. Status is a concept created by Satan. “You shall be as God” was the promise to Eve. This concept pervades our entire culture. As we strive to get ahead, we leave God behind. Looking to God for a plan for your life can eliminate this. If you do this, do it with abandonment.
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 22:43:06 +0000

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