The following is a letter from Jesse Garcia, the Brookhaven Town - TopicsExpress


The following is a letter from Jesse Garcia, the Brookhaven Town Republican Committee Chairman: To: Members, Friends, Supporters of the Brookhaven Republican Party & Voters of the 4th Town Council District From: Jesse Garcia, Chairman; Brookhaven Town Republican Committee Re: Update on Court Action in Brookhaven Town Council District 4 I want to take this opportunity to update you on the Brookhaven Town Republican Party’s court actions regarding the recanvassing of the Fourth Town Council District contest. My hope was to brief you directly and immediately, but in the age of the internet and news websites, Newsday was able to post a story online. On Wednesday, the Court of Appeals – the highest court in New York State – denied our legal team’s request to appeal a late December decision by the Appellate Division that essentially overturned the will and vote of the people who reside in the Fourth Town Council District. In its decision, the highly political and Democrat-leaning Appellate Division, affirmed the absentee voter fraud and illegal tactics employed by the Suffolk and Democrat parties and incumbent Democrat Councilwoman Connie Kepert. As a matter of an update, the Republican candidate, Michael Loguercio, emerged election night with a 94 vote victory over a long tenured and entrenched Democrat incumbent in a district where the voter registration heavily outweighs Republican registered voters. Following the canvassing of absentee ballots, Loguercio emerged with an 11 vote victory. Not satisfied by having the electorate rejecting her stewardship as a Town Council Member, Connie Kepert and the Democrat Party contested the election to the State Supreme Court. In defending Michael Loguercio, as chairman I was determined to use every lawful tool possible to protect the integrity of the election in the Fourth Town District. Our Party’s investment delivered results. For a third consecutive time, Republican Michael Loguercio emerged victorious following a comprehensive week long court case; a court case I remind you the Democrat Party and Connie Kepert initiated. Undeterred, the local and county Democrat Party, along with Connie Kepert, yet again took legal action against the will of the voters and sought an appeal of the Supreme Court case they themselves brought. On a late Friday night after business hours, the Appellate Division used the cover of the holidays in late December to issue its order that not only overturned Supreme Court Justice Carolyn MacKenzie’s court order, but the VERY vote result cast by the people of the Fourth Town Council District. That dark winter evening, after consulting with our legal team, I decided that I could not in good conscience, as Chairman; allow this highly political decision of the Appellate Division stand unchallenged and we sought the Court of Appeals permission to appeal the decision that stole this election from the voters and Michael Loguercio. This past Monday, January 13th, the Brookhaven Republican Party filed our legal papers with the Court of Appeals seeking to appeal the Appellate Division’s decision. And on Wednesday, that motion was denied. While the outcome is not written until the ballots we clearly demonstrated involved fraud and cast outside accepted election law are counted, I felt it important to update you on the situation that will literally come down to two or three votes. No matter the final outcome, as a political organization we have shown a bright light on illegal and voter fraud tactics employed by the town and county Democrat parties and their candidates like incumbent Connie Kepert. The close result of this race also demonstrates that despite using all the trappings afforded to an entrenched incumbent over eight years, Connie Kepert clearly DOES NOT have the confidence or support of the voters of the Fourth Town Council District. If she is successful, it was only as a result of voter fraud, illegal tactics and a politically motivated Appellate Division decision issued out of Brooklyn. I want to once again stress that Michael Loguercio would not be this close to capturing the Fourth Town Council District for the People if not for your hard work, support, trust, faith, and confidence. I hope this provides you a clear update on the race in the Fourth Town Council District. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. - Jesse Garcia, Chairman Brookhaven Town Republican Committee
Posted on: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 21:12:13 +0000

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