The following is a letter thats being emailed to my local paper - - TopicsExpress


The following is a letter thats being emailed to my local paper - the Drogheda Independent. It will remain to be seen if they print it next Wednesday. It says... . Dear Editor, . It is very important that the people of the Drogheda area (and nation) understand some of the current political spin being used in relation to Irish Water, the company and the water charge in general. We now have people in Fine Gael - and those that have left it - trying to espouse that they are on the side of the total public when it comes to both. . Upon examining their statements though it might be noted that they only actually oppose HOW the water charges were brought in – NOT that they were tried to be brought in in the first place. Such people in hoping that the difference in positions might not be noticed are also still willing to pay into the water charge government scam. This action alone could further indicate their support for the continuation of a water charge as it can be thought that if they felt it no charge was justified, they wouldn’t be paying it. . The plain fact is that the government is NOT listening. The water scam objections from protesters is not about “poor communication” at any stage – has anyone ever seen protest signs saying so for example, anywhere in the country? No. The current continuing protesting is over the simple fact that the public widely know that they are paying for their water and related services already in three ways. They pay though a 5% percentage of motor tax being directed towards such, they pay through 2% of every item bought that has a VAT charge on it and they pay though the tax on their very home. . That’s THREE times they already pay – and now the government wishes to try a fourth charge. The public sees this and acknowledge this simple fact by putting one foot in front of another as they all join around the nation now in open street protest march. If there is “poor communication” as the government is deflection PR spinning about – the only problem really is that our national and local government elected have their fingers in their ears and do not want to hear reality. Any “poor communication” blames lands through their own heads and hands! . I have had the honour of helping to set-up a national water scam protest group that now alone numbers a membership of 20,000. The message from all of them was the same. We object to having to pay yet again and we object to being the very existence of Irish Water, the company. How the government and sudden ex-Fine Gael members, now independents, don’t get this message is beyond understanding! Clearly they might have communication problems at their end – not ours. . As the national elections are nearing – one question needs to be asked of all those that will be running: “Will they state if their objection to the water charge and the existence of Irish Water outright?” * If they avoid give a clear cut “Yes” answer, we will draw our own conclusions as to where they stand. * If they duck and avoid the matter altogether, they are playing the public as a fiddler plays his instrument. We are not all blind. We see such antics for what they really are. . The words from the public is final and clear. . We, the employers of this and every government, demand that they listen to what we are really saying – not what they wish to PR spin & twist what we are saying! . The message is: “WE ARE NOT PAYING THIS WATER SCAM CHARGE!” Yours sincerely, Jeff Rudd.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 11:57:22 +0000

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