The following is a response to the confusion of the pseudo-salafis - TopicsExpress


The following is a response to the confusion of the pseudo-salafis : Using the Masbahah/Tasbeeh is Sunnah The following narrations are proofs for the permissibility of using the Masbahah: First Proof: From Saad ibn Abi Waqqaas that he entered with the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) upon a woman and between her hands was a Nawaa (seeds, pebbles) or Hasaa (stones or pebbles) that she was [counting] tasbeeh with… This hadeeth is reported by Imaam At-Tirmithi who said, Hasan Ghareeb from the hadeeth of Saad. It is also reported by Imaam Abu Daawood in his Sunan, Imaam An Nasaai, Ibn Hibbaan, and Imaam Al Haakim in his Mustadarak who said. Its isnaad is Saheeh, and [they i.e. Bukhaari and muslim] did not report it and Imaam Adh-Dhahabi agreed with him. Second Proof: From Safiyyah who said, The Messenger of Allah (saaws) entered upon me and between my hands were four thousand Nawaah (stones or seeds) [that I was making] tasbeeh with. The Nabi said, You are making tasbeeh with this?! Shall I not teach you that which is greater than this tasbeeh?! So I said, Teach me! So He said, Say, Subhaan Allah Adada Khaliqih. This hadeeth is reported by Imaam At Tirmithi who said after it, Ghareeb, I only know the hadeeth of Safiyyah by this direction… It was also reported by Imaam Al Haakim in his Mustadarak who said, [This] Hadeeth is Saheeh and they did not report it. And Imaam Adh-Dhahabi agreed with him. It was also authenticated by Imaam As-Suyooti. Imaam Ash-Shawkaani states in his Nayl Al Awtaar that these two ahadeeth are proof of the permissibility of counting the Tasbeeh with seeds, stones, or the likes and that is because of the approval of the Nabi (sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) of these two women using them. Other proofs from the Sahaba are as follows, Third Proof: Imaam Ahmad in his Zuhd says: Affaan informed us, Abdul Waahid ibn Ziyaad informed us from Yunus ibn Ubayd, from His mother who said, I saw Abaa Safiyyah – [who] was a man from the Sahabah of the Messenger of Allah (saaws) and he was a treasurer – She said he would make Tasbeeh with stones. Fourth Proof: Ibn Saad reports from Hukaym ibn Daylami that Saad ibn Abi Waqqaas would make Tasbeeh with stones. [At Tabaqaat Al Kubraa] Fifth Proof: Ibn Saad said in At-Tabaqaat, Abdillah ibn Musaa informed us, Israaeel informed us, from Jaabir from his female servant from Faatimah bint Al Husayn ibn Ali ibn Abi Taalib that she would make Tasbeeh with a string with knots in it. [Tabaqaat Al Kubraa] Sixth proof: Imaam Abdillah ibn Imaam Ahmad reports through Abu Hurayrah in Zawaaid Az Zuhd from Abu Hurayrah that he had a rope with a hundred knots in it, and he would not sleep until he had made Tasbeeh with it. Seventh Proof: Imaam Ahmad reports in Az-Zuhd from Al Qaasim ibn Abdur Rahmaan who said that Abi Dardaa had seeds from pressed dates in a bag. When he had made morning Salah, he would remove one by one from it (the bag), making Tasbeeh with them, until they had finished. [Az-Zuhd page 205] Eighth Proof Ibn Saad reports that Abu Hurayrah would make Tasbeeh with a collection of seeds (or pebbles). [ Tabaqaat 106/3 or 346/6] Ninth Proof Imaam Ad-Daylami reports in his Musnad Al Firdaws from the way of Zaynab bint Sulaymaan ibn Ali, from Umm Al Hasan bint Jafar, from her father, from her grandfather, from Ali ibn Abi Taalib marfooan: Yes! Al Muththakir [I reminder you to use] the Subhah! [Musnad Al Firdaws bi Mathoor Al Khitaab] Lastly, Imaam As Suyootee said in his section called Al Manhah fis Subhah, And there is nothing transmitted from anyone from the salaf or the khalaf, the forbiddance of the permissibility of counting the Tasbeeh with the Subhah. Rather, many of them turned away from it, but they didnt see that (using it) as Makrooh. Brief response: Those who state that the Masbahah is bidaah use the following narration: قال ابن وضاح القرطبي في البدعوالنهي عنها (ص12) : أنا أسد عن جرير بن حازم عن الصلت بن بهرام قال : مر ابن مسعودبامرأة معها تسبيح تسبح به فقطعه وألقاه ، ثم مر برجل يسبح بحصى فضربه برجله ، ثمقال : لقد سبقتم ، ركبتم بدعة ظلماً ، أو لقد غلبتم أصحاب محمد (ص) علماً. Narrated by Ibn Waddaah in Al-Bid wal-Nahy anhaa from al-Salt ibn Bahraam, who said: Ibn Masood passed by a woman who had a [masbahah] with which she was making tasbeeh, and he broke it and threw it aside, then he passed by a man who was making tasbeeh with pebbles, and he kicked him then said, You think you are better than the Sahaabah, but you are following unjustified bidah! You think you have more knowledge than the Companions of Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)! This hadeeth is weak due to Inqitaa (disconnection) between As-Salt ibn Bahraam and Ibn Masood. As-Salt is from the taabit taabioon (second generation after the sahabah) and not from the taabioon, and this is mentioned in At-Tahtheeb At-Tahtheeb of Ibn Hajr. Even if this hadeeth were Saheeh, then there is no proof in the action of a Sahabi if it contradicts the Sunnah of Rasoolullah (sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam). Lastly we recommend the book by Sheikh Mahmood Saeed Mamdooh titled, Wusooll at-Tahaani bi Ithbaat Sunniyyat al-Subhah wa ar-Radd `alaa al-Albaani : The Alighting of Mutual Benefit and Confirmation that the Subhah-Beads are a Sunnah in Refutation of al-Albaani. Written by The RevivingIslam Research Team and Allahu Alim.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 07:28:56 +0000

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