The following is an actual conversation from a while back, one of - TopicsExpress


The following is an actual conversation from a while back, one of many Ive had with out of province customers. I swear that im not making this up in any way. ======== *Customer brings case of Kokanee up to the counter* Customer: How much do i owe you? Me: Thatll be $30.25, maam. (I dont make prices, I just sell beer) Customer: The beer costs how much? Me: $30.25, maam. Customer: I only pay.... like 24 and change for a case back home in Winnipeg. Me: Well, youre are in a whole other province. Things are bound to be a little different. Customer: What does that have to do with anything? I know Im in another province. Look, ill just pay you what I pay back home & well call it even, okay? Me: No. We wont. The price is 30 and a quarter. Were not in Winnipeg, were in Saskatoon, in the middle of Saskatchewan. Customer: *face red, not getting what they want* Whats your name? Me: Why do you need to know my name? Customer: Im going to speak to your manager and youre going to get fired. Me: Im going to get fired? For doing my job and charging the proper price (arguably) for beer in THIS province? Customer: Thats right! Me: Well, my name is Peter. Peter Parker. Nice to meet you! *offer my hand to shake* Customer: *at this point ready to claw my eyes out* Well, you are going to regret this come Monday when you have no job, MISTER Parker. *turns to leave* Me: *as customer storms out the door* Say hello to the Green Goblin for me! ======== And, yes, the lady didnt even blink when i told her my name was Peter Parker or when I mentioned the Green Goblin. I mean, come on! Even my grandmother knows who Peter Parker and the Goblin are. Sheesh!
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 20:24:53 +0000

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