The following is an excerpt from pages 23 and 24 of a Report - TopicsExpress


The following is an excerpt from pages 23 and 24 of a Report entitled "Economi Warffare:Risks and Responses" by Kevin D. Freeman. It was released in 2009. The link to the full report is below. the video is a short clip of Representative Paul Kjankorsky admitting that a "Bank Run" was coordinated an executed by Jihadists on September 11, 2008. "In the CounterTerrorism Blog, this theory is discussed at length in an article (OPEC War against America‘s Economic Independence?‖) written by Walid Phares, professor of Middle East Studies at Florida Atlantic University, author of numerous books, FOX News analyst, and senior fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies:According to economic analysis the severe financial crisis ravaging the US and hitting the international community on all continents has its economic roots in two major realms: One was the overbearing political pressure put on Wall Street to release loans into unprepared sectors of society and two, was the miscalculation - some say the drunkenness- of Wall Street in accepting these immense risks. But according to Political Economy assessment, there may have been a third player in the crisis: OPEC, or more precisely, radical circles within Oil Producing regimes in the Peninsula. The thesis argue that combined SalafistWahabi and Muslim Brotherhood circles in the Gulf -with consent from the Iranian side on this particular issue, used the escalating pricing of Oil over the past year to push the financial crisis in the US over the cliff. The ‗high point‘ in this analysis is the timing between the skyrocketing of the prices at the pumps and the widening of the real estate crisis. In short the ―Oil-push‖ put the market out of balance hitting back at Wall Street. Basically, there was certainly a crisis in mismanagement domestically (with its two above mentioned roots), but the possible OPEC economic offensive‘ crumbled the defenses of US economy in few months. Dr. Phares continues in his analysis: OPEC‘s manipulation of the markets did hit Americans hard in their pockets. Hundreds of millions of John and Jane Does were intimidated, terrorized really, into abandoning their lifelong dreams of owning properties because of the aggressive stance of petro-regimes towards the US and its campaign to spread democracy in the Greater Middle East. In historical terms, America was punished for daring to change the status quo in the Arab and Muslim world to the advantage of the weakest and the suppressed: Shia and Kurds in Iraq, Syrian reformers, Lebanese civil society, Africans in Darfur, Iranian women and students, artists and liberals across the Arabian Peninsula. In return, the U.S was submitted to economic destabilization, steady, gradual and by small doses. Let‘s not underestimate the power of the Jihadi-oil lobby in America: it has decades of influence and it has long arms into the system, and it has powerful political allies. It knows when Americans are messing up their own system, and it knows very well how to push them over the cliff, into the abyss of economic calamity.A counterpoint to this thesis would vigorously argue that the alleged OPEC destabilization over the US economy is illogical, as many countries in the Gulf are experiencing a recession as a result of Wall Street‘s crunch. In other words, they wouldn‘t do it to themselves. Yet the ideological forces manning the oil weapon aren‘t particularly concerned about economic stability. Their driving factor is Jihadism. We‘ve heard their ideologues stating that even if they were to incur losses among their own societies in order to defeat the infidel powers, then let it be." " Sheikh Yussuf al Qardawi, Muslim Brotherhood ideologue and mentor of the Qatari-funded channel, spoke openly of Silah al Naft, i.e, ‗the weapon of oil.‘ Indeed, it was called a weapon - as in a warfare situation -- and most likely it was used as such. Of course, the producing ‗regimes‘ will deny the existence of a real strategy to bring the US to its knees by striking at its pumps. They will dismiss statements made by emirs and commentators in this regard. The ‗field Jihadists,‘ however, won‘t deny the existence of such a battlefield.For years now, Salafist web sites and al Qaeda spokespersons have loudly called for an ‗oil Jihad against infidel America and its lackeys.‘ Online material is still circulating. But more revealing are the official speeches by Osama Bin Laden and his deputy on the ‗absolute necessity to use that weapon.‘" vectorpub/economic-warfare-risks-and-responses-by-kevin-d-freeman.pdf ~ JAF
Posted on: Wed, 02 Oct 2013 19:59:33 +0000

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