The following is completely my opinion and outlook about whats - TopicsExpress


The following is completely my opinion and outlook about whats been happening. Feel free to agree it disagree. Im not looking to start a long debate about it, so feel free to write a lengthy comment if you disagree with it, but I will most likely read it, respect your viewpoint, and let that be that. I hope whoever reads this can hear what I have to say, wether you agree or not, and choose to be mature about how you respond, should you decided to. Whether the jury made the right decision or not, the decision has already been made. All I can do is hope the officers testimony was 100% honest and full of integrity. If so, great. If not, he will have to deal with it on his conscience for the rest of his life. My prayer is that black Americans can rise up and disprove so many stereotypes that have been placed on us and that we have perpetuated. That we will not continually seek to find our value and significance in another race, but in God Almighty. I pray we dont continue to allow a system to cause us to do foolish and violent things to express our pain. I pray we would stop killing each other and glorifying it in our music. It shouldnt take a young black man getting killed by a white man to bring us together as a community. If all these rappers werent saying F the police, maybe more young black men would show respect to police and other authorities. Mike brown probably listened to rappers who have no respect for authorities and bluntly make it known in their music. Black entertainers, whether they like it or not, have a responsibility to influence young people in ways that will help them succeed. (really ALL people with a high level of influence have that responsibility) I appreciate and am grateful to the other races of people who are supporting black Americans in PEACEFUL protesting and seeking to understand the pain we have felt throughout this countrys history. For those who dont seem to have any compassion or empathy for the black community (or any person of color for that matter) I pray they can seek to understand the pain and hurt that is felt by their fellow human beings and not be quick to say we should just get over it and move on. Thor issue is much greater than the Ferguson situation. Dont mishear me, Im not pointing fingers at anyone. What Im saying is, no matter what color, we all have a responsibility in fostering peace and unity between all races.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 23:07:32 +0000

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