The following is the fatwa given a long time ago on issue of - TopicsExpress


The following is the fatwa given a long time ago on issue of boycotting American products( same ruling would apply to Israeli products) by Shaikh Saleh al Fawzan who is a prominent scholar in Saudi Arabia and a member of the Permanent Committee of Scholars of Saudi Arabia. In a nutshell, as he explains then boycott is to be done when the Muslim leader commands the people to do so but individually we are not allowed to boycott or invite others to do so. There are instances when this has been done in the example of the Danish products that were banned from imported at one point. So we boycott them but when such a command is not in place from the leaders or scholars then we refrain from doing so. The ruling regarding boycotting American products Question: Oh noble Shaykh, in the newspapers these days it is written that there is a call to boycott the American products, and to stop the buying and selling of these products. Also, from this is the claim that appeared in one the newspapers that the Ulamaa. (scholars of Islaam) have called for the boycotting of these products and that this is something that is obligatory upon every individual Muslim, and that buying even a single one of these products (produced in America) is forbidden, forbidden (haraam, haraam), and that the person who does this has done a major sin (Kabeerah), and that he is helping these people (the Americans) and helping the Jews in their fighting against the Muslims. So I hope from your eminence that you can give some clarity regarding this matter due to there being a need for that. And is a person rewarded (by Allaah) for this action (of boycotting American goods)? Response: Firstly, I request a photocopy of this statement in specific from the newspaper that is mentioned here by the questioner. Secondly, this is not correct. The scholars have not given a fatwa (religious verdict) declaring the goods produced by America to be forbidden (haraam), and the goods from America are still being imported and sold in the market places of the Muslims (i.e. in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia), and these products that you buy from America are still available. There has been no religious verdict issued against this. Cutting off relations and boycotting is not to be done unless there is a decree issued by the Muslim authorities. If the authorities issue a decree calling for the prohibition (of particular goods) or boycotting a country from among the many countries, then it is obligatory to boycott that country. However, in reference to individuals who want to do this or they give religious verdicts that this is something forbidden, then this is a declaration of forbiddance that Allaah has not allowed. It is not permissible to do this. Yes. Shaykh Saalih ibn Fowzaan .......... Translated by: Abu Sumayyah Aqeel Walker Please use the Palestine Red Crescent Society to donate and assist the Palestinians. Insha Allah it is a reliable charity that has been recommended by those who know how they function. One should be careful in donating to unknown and unreliable charities as funds can be diverted to those who can use it to cause more harm than benefit to the Palestinians. These are legislated means as well as ample dua to assist our brothers and sisters in Palestine and other place where Muslims are in grave hardship and oppression. Shaykh al-Fawzān: “Without doubt, keeping a wife without financially supporting her is not acceptable.” [Al-Mulakhas al-Fiqhī, 2/380] Imâm Sadî said: A person is not afflicted with a trial in his body, wealth or children except due to sins his hands put forward.
Posted on: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 16:59:29 +0000

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