The following is the official professional consensus in INTCOM - TopicsExpress


The following is the official professional consensus in INTCOM (the intelligence community). Please read it CAREFULLY. It is now being disclosed to you to with hopes that you keep an open mind as you learn more about the Illuminati and who they really are (and what they really do): The Neocon/Zionist cabal (feat. as main barking dogs, Gingrich, McCain and Graham) have triggered an uprising in Ukraine (via their asset, Victoria Nuland, placed into Obamas State Dept.) The Neocon/Zionist cabal is a fifth column to American interests (repeat it after me!) However, they are very powerful and in control of all US media, all US finances (they created the $), own all of the few giant corporate textbook publishers, and much, much more. The smaller group against them is less powerful, despite having now some key figures in play. Secretary of Defense Hagel, CIA Director Brennan, Vice President Biden, Secretary of State Kerry, Joint Chiefs of Staffs Chairman, Gen. Dempsey, NSA Advisor, Rice and President Obama represent the true American interest against the fifth column of Zionists/Neocons. They have no black ops funding or billionaires to back their work. They are under the gun of the Neocon/Zionists who can turn all of the people against them in the drop of a hat via media lies (on Fox, MSNBC, CNN, HuffingtonPost, Drudge Report, WSJ, NY Times, Washington Post, Financial Times, etc.) and more simultaneously. The fifth column is the part of the US government that triggered the Ukraine uprisings. This was meant to pit America, Russia, China, and Europe into a World War III, in place of something happening similarly with slightly other countries in Syria. The World War is the planned depopulation event you all have been taught about here. President Obama and his team, however, got in its way by both passively-aggressively capitulating the Syria war plans and signing a peace deal between Iran, America, China, France, Russia, Germany, and England; while not even giving notice to Israel. Yet, through their setup of the NSA Surveillance apparatus, the Israeli criminals at the top of the NSA Surveillance still heard about it, and sent their media henchmen into a choreographed attack on Obama ever since May of 2011. Update to the present: You just don’t invade another country on phony pretext in order to assert your interests... is the line now echoed by the media from Secretary Kerry. To laymen, it sounds like an obviously hypocritical statement. Now, think about this: do you think an educated person like Secretary Kerry, who was outspoken against Bushs war policies, would come out and make a hypocritical statement like that and actually believe it? The entire point was to make it seem that way while really doing this: he finally cancelled the Bush doctrine of pre-emptive strike, and made it clear any future invasions, even for asserting US interests, could not come from a phony pretext. He spoke to AIPAC, the Israeli lobby, later that night. What do you think he was really signalling to those that knew how to listen? Everything is not as it first appears. ORP shall teach you how to see the truth when even only being told the lies!
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 03:37:28 +0000

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