The following letter was written by our Founder John Smeed to an - TopicsExpress


The following letter was written by our Founder John Smeed to an enquiry about AGENDA 21. A post worthy of a Share or an email to your friends and family. The evil of AGENDA 21 ----------------------------- Dear xxxxx, Thank you for your note regarding Agenda 21 and I am pleased to see that you recognise the great dangers presented by its implementation. However, in perceiving Agenda 21 to be a ‘legislated matter’ in Australia, you have not really got the insidious nature of this beast and I think that I should ‘tell you a story’ that might clarify Agenda 21 for you and help you in trying to knock some sense into the heads of the Coalition politicians with whom you have contact. Agenda 21 is a forty chapter document, ‘Sustainable Development Governance’, authored by the infamous Maurice Strong and released with two other important documents that became known as the Rio Declaration at the end of the 1992 United Nations Earth Summit in Rio. Chairing the Earth Summit, Maurice Strong declared “ Isn’t the only hope for the planet that industrialised civilisations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about ?” Here is the thinking that fathered this insidious Agenda 21 scheme Her we have a dangerous, social engineering ‘Trojan Horse’ well camouflaged by some creditable environmental objectives Agenda 21 is not simply an environmental welfare document, it is a relatively detailed Fabian socialist ‘blueprint’ for how the world should live in the 21st Century with potentially horrifying social and economic implications for a liberal, democratic society such as ours; its principal objectives including abolition of private property rights, global governance and redistribution of wealth. While two of the three key documents making up the Rio Declaration became voluntary international treaties, UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (later becoming binding under the 1997 Kyoto Protocol) and the UN Convention on Biological Diversity, Agenda 21 was cleverly not promoted to become an international treaty. It is a ‘soft law’ document; the signatory nations to the document being considered by the UN to be “morally obligated to implement its proposed programme”. Hence, in not being legally binding through international treaty, the strongly suggested Agenda 21 regulations could be implemented administratively within a signatory country without legislative action; avoiding legal jurisdiction and that is what has been happening in Australia, supported not only by Labor but also the Liberal party . However, adoption of Agenda 21 in Australia has not originated from, been openly discussed in or formally ratified by any Australian parliament, tested by referendum or public opinion ever being sought by Government. One can well ask the question “ Why is this so ?” Agenda 21 is now being strongly promoted by many Municipalities via what is called Local Agenda 21, but preferably known as Sustainable Development and being openly and progressively implemented in small steps, in what I have dubbed ‘Revolution by Regulation’. UNESCO controls this ‘silent invasion from bottom up’ through its Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD) with colonising units around the world called International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives, ICLEI, (changed its name in Australia recently to Local Governments for Sustainability) . ICLEI function is to particularly assist Municipal Councils to implement Agenda 21, monitor progress and report back to CSD; Oceania’s and Australia’s ICLEI base being located within the office space of the Council of the City of Melbourne. I hope this gives you a better picture of ‘the enemy’. Just as an aside, it is interesting to note that Local Agenda 21 recommends that Councils should be able to make their own laws. You will remember that while no rational explanation was put forward by either Labor or Liberals to justify a very costly referendum to amend the Constitution to supposedly just facilitate fund transfer, the formal constitutional recognition of Local Government would make Local Government an identified layer of government and then able to write their own laws. Isn’t it interesting that such a constitutional amendment would then enable Councils to move from ‘regulation writers’ to ‘law makers’ as recommended by Agenda 21? For some reason(s) I have not been able to discover, none of the politicians I have contact with want to talk about Agenda 21. When Conservative politicians are prepared to give lip service to the Agenda 21 scheme which aims to ABOLISH PRIVATE PROPERTY RIGHTS, IMPLEMENT GLOBAL GOVERNANCE and REDISTRIBUTE WESTERN WEALTH, one must press for an answer to the ‘Julius Sumner Miller question “WHY IS THIS SO?” Attached is the resolution that our small but very active Noosa LNP Branch put up to the 2013 LNP Queensland State Convention and had carry without opposition. Hence, what you read is now LNP POLICY, but the parliamentary Parties do not necessarily implement it – Government of the people, by the people and for the people – really ?? I have plenty of Agenda 21 material, if you want it. I can’t understand what leads Greg Hunt to lie on not only Agenda 21 but also in respect of his belief in the validity of the totally false Anthropogenic Global Warming scam that he knows is nonsense. We have a long road ahead to win this battle but I am confident that eventually we will win – if we don’t, I hope they send me to a warm Gulag ! Best regards JOHN SMEED
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 10:57:08 +0000

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