The following may or may not have happened. Its mid mid season. - TopicsExpress


The following may or may not have happened. Its mid mid season. The apex time of the business. The holiday week has left us winded and limping, yet the struggle continues. “I have been waiting on service for ten minutes! This is unacceptable! I demand a discount.” Yelled the angry customer. The other twenty people began to grow uncomfortable. His wife tugged on his sleeve trying to let him know he was getting out of line. “I apologize for the inconvenience, I am the only one here and the others will be in soon from the morning operations, but delayed by weather.” “This is the worst service! I demand a discount and I will fight for it.” “Sweet, I love a good fight.” I said and tossed him a nerf sword. “En garde!” He paid for the items and stormed out surrounded by giggling patrons. “I put my sword in belt and said “Who is next?” Everyone started laughing. There were probably better ways to handle that. Everything is a struggle. Work. Home. Relationships. Life. Its just what we do. As humans we like a good rumble. It makes us feel like we accomplished something. The accomplishment better than the end reward. I am one of those guys that likes to do everything the hard way. One of my instructors was teaching us how to manually inflate our vests while bobbing in rough seas. “Why dont we just use the auto?” “If you master it the hard way, the easy way will be super easy and automatic. My struggle is against my self right now. If I am not working on a personal challenge I feel that I am wasting time and potential. Sitting on the couch is like sitting on the bus to the grave. My current challenges are: Wake at 5am daily (sun and mon, no garuntees) Loose 100 lbs (at 71 right now) Exercise Daily Eat Paleo Hunter Gatherer (strictly as a challenge) No Drinking/smoking/anything unbeneficial Spend time with family (60 hr wrk weeks hinder that) Run 10k I tell people about it so that I can be held accountable. Hunter is the best. If I tell him he will be on my case better than any trainer or coach. Thats how I started running. “We are going to race around the block every morning.” (In Toronto) He was in my face daily. He cheats but we still raced. Now two years later its part of my day. I will fight the struggle. There are already enough who give up on their dreams. I will be a good guy. There are more than enough thieves, cheats, and scum bags as it is. I will not contribute. I will be a dad. Like my father I will guide him to make good decisions and be a beacon of light. If he becomes one of the things above. I will not abandon, give up, or kick him out. I will kick his little @$$ until he alters that path. I will serve God. He is the ultimate beacon in the darkness. The first thing I see when I wake is a replica Spartan Helmet. It reminds me to stand against the bs of the day. Aroo! I say silently when I salute him. He will judge my weakness. “Courage doesnt always roar, sometimes its the quiet voice at the end of the day whispering I will try again tomorrow” ― Mary Anne Radmacher “Most people who are global achievers were once victims of greater circumstances than yours, but they had one word to sum it up; They never give up!” ― Israelmore Ayivor
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 18:55:21 +0000

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