The following message has been send to all these authorities to - TopicsExpress


The following message has been send to all these authorities to take relevant action. My friend also send to all the authorities, chief justice of India. Even to NDTV. He tried to explain how the social media used to encourage hatred for political gain by a National party. But he said not a single authority acknowledge and respond. TODAY A 24 OLD INDIAN TECHIE WAS KILLED IN PUNE BY OUR YOUNG INDIANS. ARE WE INDIAN - HUMAN BEING? ARE WE BLOOD THIRSTY. HOW YOUNG RESPONSIBLE CITIZENS ACTED. NOTE - THE BJP CREATED SOME SMALL GROUPS ALL OVER INDIA TO PROMOTE HATRED. THEY ARE MOTIVATED. THE RSS AND BJP SUPPORTING BUT DO NOT WANT TO BE IN PICTURE. To [email protected]@nic.inarpolice@[email protected][email protected]@[email protected]@[email protected]_shrivastava@yahooadgp_cid@[email protected]@yahoonallimorrisbabu@rediffmailigpcrimejk@rediffmailkps996893@[email protected]@[email protected][email protected]@[email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected] [email protected] 21 Apr Note : This letter sent to all Chief Election Officer, but not single officer acknowledge or replied. I am sending to Cyber crime officers with great respect they will acknowledge to my request and will see in this matter. The websites which mentioned here under reported a murder case. But I checked all News Papers I did not find that news. Secondly there are thousands of such Website which are spreading hatred. There are lot news like Muslim boys eloping with Hindu Girl. Like a Muslim boy raped a Hindu girl and police unable to take any action and supported Muslims. Such false and fabricated news spreading to flare Communal hatred. Please check. Thanks Dear Sirs/Madams I would like to draw your attention and want fair investigation to find out the truth. I have found there are thousands of website which are sending hate mails and created hate pages. Even they are spreading hatred with the false news. I found one news and try to find the news in the Google to find out any credible news paper reported or channel or News Paper reported. But I did not find it. Could you please go through the following web pages and news. One news about the killing of a Hindu Businessman - Kartick Chandra Metia. Secondly there is nexus between Indian RSS group and also Non-Resident Indian Organization belong to RSS abroad. They were before Vishwa Hindu Parishad but now changed to different names. They spread all over the globe, They have connection with Islamic Phobia Organization all over the world. The Non Resident Indian RSS organization have relation with these Islamic phobia groups. This Islamic Phobia Organization having a PR Agency which is the main player along with all agencies all over the world. They are playing active role to dismantle Egypt, Libya, Syria, Tunisia and Algeria. They are behind all these groups. These PR Agency and Narendar Modi has relation before or after 2002 Gujarat Genocide of Muslims. These NRI organization and the Islamic phobia groups behind Narendar Modi and also with RSS Organizations including Bhartiya Janta Party. They used social media in other countries to exploit the situation in other countries. The same practices they are implementing in India. The following links will tell you all the garbage. There are thousands of fake websites created by Narendar Modi tech team and they are manuplating by creating hate-website with provoking baseless stories. Also they are sending lakhs of email daily basis to exploit the situation. They are using this medium to targeted areas. No doubt Narendar Modi and Team talking about development but like Amit Shah and others visiting every village, every locality to exploit the situation and spreading hatred and by encouraging hatred against Muslims and Secular Hindus the create fear among Hindus and trying to consolidate or United Hindu Vote. It is the against the practices of democracy and healthy, fair situation in the country. This PR Agency main work to purchase - Visual Media slots and Print Media. They buy journalist and also TV comperes, reporters and journalist. They also try to build relation with Celebrities, Famous Indians, Academicians, higher Officials, Corporate houses and try to establish relation. They also create organization with that they gave certification to person. Like they did to Narendar Modi. Majority of the organization created by this PR Agency. They took endorsement with different personalities like Narendar Modi getting endorsements from Lata Mangeshkar, Rajnikant, Salman Khan or American Ambassador. I feel the whole process of election jeopardize and hijack with is unhealthy for the country. I am also concerned about these Islamic Phobia forces. What is there intention why are they so keen to play a role. Also Non-Resident Indians role. They are getting jobs in the Government and with higher perks and enjoying without any process. Please check all these websites. Please refer to cyber crime branch to investigate how they are created and from where it is operating. kartik-chandra-methia-ghosh/ muslim-goons-brutally-murder- kartick-chandra-mehtia/# sthash.AbNTBvG4.dpbs hindusamhati.blogspot/ com/2014/03/hindu-traders- murder-stuns-falta-south.html forum/#!topic/stop-corruption- worldwide/yaFD5VTFC0c https://facebook/ TapanGhoshPersonal/posts/ 617543125006811 https://facebook/ ivartaIC/posts/ 740419972656190?stream_ref=10 https://m.facebook/ upananda.brahmachari?v=feed https://facebook/ hindu.existence https://facebook/ UpanandaBrahmachariOfficial? ref=stream&hc_location=stream such.forumotion/ t21802-hindu-social-activist- and-business-man-shot-dead- and-chopped-ghastly-by- suspected-islamist-goons-in- west-bengal samajavani/the- real-intention-behind-killing- karthik/ Please sir I did not find any credible news paper such reports. I have read many stories which are created to spread anti-Muslim hatred and gather Hindus. It is work of Narendar Modi - It specialist team. They have created thousands of such pages and trying to change Hindus mind. They create stories like Muslim boy ran away with Hindu Girl. A Muslim boy raped a Hindu Girl. Muslim are killing cows. Please I need your team to investigate these news and matter. Please take-up and investigate through the cyber team. It is the responsibility of all Human Being. Those Hindus supporting them they are saying you are Hindu. But those against them they are targeted as secular Hindu. They called these secular Hindus like - Anti Hindu person, Pro Muslim. He is crushing Hindus. They are Pakistani Agents. They are corrupt . They are looting India. The secular Hindu supporting Muslims. The secular Hindu targeted. They present story that Mamta Banergee is Muslim. They present her photo in Muslim dress. They also present Akhilesh Yadav, Rahul Gandhi as Muslims. Their photos with skull caps. So they are spreading enemity and hatred. The Muzaffer Nagar Genocide also planned by these forces to break the block of votes. Subramaniam Swamy confirmed in NDTV interview. He said to break such blocks that divide to be made. So to break the votes they planned Muzaffer Nagar. Due to this hate campaign and Muzaffer Nagar Riots paid a great to Bhartiya Janta Party in the state elections. By encouraging hatred against Muslims and Pakistan (it is old practice ) to Unite Hindu Vote Bank. It is not healthy for democracy. Enough is enough. I request to cancel this election or debarred Narendar Modi. For your information in the whole Election Campaign he did not wear his own clothes. He is wearing designer suits which is planned for the venue. Do you want such leadership in India. Please acknowledge and confirm. Hope you will take appropriate action. Please also direct right department to scrutinize the news posted on the websites. Thanks in advance for your cooperation in this regard.
Posted on: Mon, 09 Jun 2014 07:28:40 +0000

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