The following session was done by a friend of mine. The subject is - TopicsExpress


The following session was done by a friend of mine. The subject is just 23 years old. It was a very profound session. A lot wisdom came from the Universe. Subject wanted to feel with whom he is spiritually connected with & wanted to experience the Spiritual Regression to know what is his purpose of life and how to Moksha. Session Date 17th Aug 2014 Main Therapist: Deepak Place : New Delhi Main Crystal Used : At the starting of the session used 2 Black Obsidian on both hands. Zircon & Shree Yantra on top. In addition used Lapiz for third eye. After Basic Induction : Subject was taken to a staircase & saw 3 doors. Subject chose the one & we went into a Garden & sat on the bench. From there went into a hut & then into a big room where we saw many books & photos of Deities. Therapist : As we are in the room which look like temples please tell me which books are there. Pickup one book & tell me what is written. Subject : This book is of the Vedas & all in Sanskrit. Therapist : Why these books, the pictures & statues of Deities are lying there. Subject : These are lying there as someone reads these books & Prays. Therapist : Try to find the person who reads this book & does he live alone. Subject : Subject smiled & said there are 2 people living here. One seems to be like a Guru as he is sleeping up & other as disciple who is sleeping on the floor. Therapist : Let’s go near & try to see their faces & can we see who they are in this life time. Subject : ….Pause for few minutes & as per subject disciple is him & Guru he knows who is he but does not want to tell. But he is very close to him in this life time. Therapist : Please pick up the vedas book & go to page number 69 & read the shloka & explain me the meaning of that Shloka & you can take help of your Guru who is sitting next to him in that life if needed. Subject : Started reading in Sanskrit. Which I was unable to understand & write but he explained me the meaning of shloka without his Guru’s help. The mantra tells the Incomprehensible greatness of God. all his power is not manifested in the universe vast as it is. He is eternal life and is hidden from mortal view. Therapist : Wow… this is really great but can you tell me how mortal can see God. Subject : We need lot of Bhakti for that. Therapist : Please ask your Guru so that he can give us more precise answer as this answer can help many mortal people in this material world. Subject : Quiet for few minutes & then smiled & said the man who is having a spiritual or divine knowledge can have a glimpse of HIM. As per Rishis God is impersonal. It is the only aspect of HIM which can be known by mortals. On the worlds summit God brings forth the sky & he resides in waters, in the ocean & on earth. So in short HE is Omnipresent. God holds together all the existence. HE made the sun to bestow light on all living beings. Therapist : When God holds together all the existence & is everywhere then why people still commit Sin. Subject : Guru again answered: The Sin is impossible from the people who has attained the Gods favor. The consciousness of a being itself is Gods presence & favor. It is sufficient to guard against any evil & a guarantee for doing good. But people who do not have spiritual knowledge do not know much about consciousness and that is why they fail. Guru told us to leave. Therapist : Now come out of the temple room go into the garden. Subject : Garden is very beautiful & vast. The smell of fresh air mixed with the smell of flowers are making it surreal a place which looks like heaven. Subject wanted Therapist : Now to go to the last day of that life & tell me how you he died. Subject : I was old & alone. I know it’s my last day so I am meditating. My soul has left the body in Samadhi mode. My soul has started its journey to higher realm. T : Explain what all you can he see while soul is traveling to higher realm. Do see any masters. A long Pause for 2 -3 minutes… Subject : Only the soul of my Guru came to guide me in the journey & I am sitting on a big yellowish golden bird. As I continue to move forward & entering an immense void, completely pitch dark black area. It is very comforting & I can feel the vast presence surrounding me. It is as if I am being born into a larger world & my Guruji is guiding me through it. I can hear a lot of Vedic chants which are making my soul blue in color. I am merging in blue color and becoming one. I have started forgetting about the past & can enjoy the present full of love, full of devotion & full of oneness T : So where have you reached finally. Subject : Once my soul was fresh & happy, The pitch dark blue darkness started diminishing . I do not have to take the birth & I can see a staircase of made of corals and I was so happy to be there. As I walk up the staircase I can see the floor of emerald & houses walls & palaces were made of crystals. I am welcomed by many other souls around & can feel there was no jealousy, violence, false pride, lust, greed or fraud. Everyone is happy and place is full of luxuries. Therapist : Let’s go to other souls which are around & ask them to guide you through to masters. Subject : Subject smiled… and says the master is here to welcome him. Therapist : Speak to the master and ask him where this place is. How many light years away from earth. Subject : Master is saying don’t be in hurry you will know all. Master is showing me around & making me feel more comfortable with the place. Therapist : Please be my eyes & ears as I am very curious to know more about the place. Subject : There are immensely beautiful lakes, gardens & rivers. The crossroads are made of pearls & there are big buildings. The doors & windows are of Gold & all the doorways of marble it is far more luxuries than earth. Hard to describe but more to enjoy. Master is saying time to meet counselors. Therapist : Is there a difference between a master, a counselor & a spirit? I have heard these terms used at different times here on earth. Subject : The masters are spirits. A counselor is of a higher order than a master. A counselor has much more knowledge and experience from which to draw. A master may know more of the physical. A counselor may know more detail. Therapist : Please do not find me rude but as a curious seeker I would like to know the promotion system of that world. How many years of experience is needed by a master to become a counselor. Subject : A big laugh. It is not the experience needed but the spiritual knowledge which is needed with practical implementation during your incarnation on earth. It depends solely on how you develop your karma. Some people who are able to really develop their karma in a positive way become a guide within one or two cycles of lifetimes. But to become a counselor one need to know what is Samadhi. He need to follow all the austerities and do the prescribed sacrifices during his incarnation so that he can be called highly evolved soul & gets closer to God. Therapist : Let us go & meet the counselor and seek what they need to tell us. Subject : A big smile. Masters are happy the way I lived my life and learnt during the incarnation on earth. They are welcoming me and saying do not forget what you have learned and grow further. Therapist : Let us ask the counselor how many light years from earth we are from. Subject : A big laugh again. We are 3,600,000 solar years away. Therapist : Please ask the counselor and let me know. As you said you have a body so why you don’t have to go through the pain of taking birth. Subject : Counselor is laughing and says as this is spiritually higher plain and here one can only enter on the basis of the Karma of the previous incarnation and gradually we go up the planes. Therapist : How many level of planes we have and do all the planes are above in spiritual level of earth. Subject : There are 14 planetary systems. These are horizontal planes, parallel to the orbit of the sun around the earth, as seen from the earth. So earth is in middle & we have 7 up & 7 below. When we say up means spiritually high & when we say down means spiritually down. Therapist : Oh Ok… So when we have already come to the higher plane as you said we are on which is above earth then why you took birth again on earth what was the main purpose. Subject : We all are on same level and there is no difference here. But at the same time we need to remember that we gradually go up. So if we come to the planet which is higher than earth does not mean we belong here. It means yes we have crossed one level of consciousness & now we need to go up in consciousness until I reunite with the God the main source who is eternal and the main controller. So if we awaken higher consciousness we go up to other planetary system else we go down. Therapist : So you mean to say living entity is wandering in this way, life after life— sometimes as human being or as another being. And in different planets also, not only in this planet. Subject : At death everything is finished, and one has to begin a new chapter of life in a new situation, perhaps higher or lower than the last one. Just like we are transmigrating, even in this span of life, from childhood to boyhood, from boyhood to youth hood, from youth hood to old age body. Therefore it is natural to conclude that after this old body’s finished, then we get another body, transmigration of the soul. The Supreme Lord is situated in everyone’s heart. One has to see. One has to develop that visionary power, how to see God within the heart. So those who are in goodness, they are being promoted to the higher planetary systems - That is wanted to reunite with HIM. Therapist : But don’t we tend to forget when we incarnate, as I do not remember my past life. Subject : It’s just like if you get a nice flower seed, if you sow it & pour water, gradually it will grow. Similarly, this bhakti or consciousness if one sows it within the heart & pour water gradually, by this way the process which you are following, hearing & chanting is called the process of pouring water in spiritual world. In due course of time, it will give you the fruit whether you remember or not that the tree was sown by you only as it is going to grow under the protection of God himself. And that what we call is firm faith. Therapist : As you already are in a higher plane why you took birth again on earth. Can you please confirm with your counselor & tell. Subject : Subject became sad and said as everything was beautiful here until he fall in love with the lady here on this spiritual plane and forgot all about Bhakti or consciousness. Maya took over them & they forgot to pour water to spiritual tree. So they both needed to take birth on earth together to give water to the seed they sow previously and go back up again. Therapist : Is that lady is your soul mate in this birth. Subject : No she have to water her own seed but we may/can help each other in growing spiritually. Therapist : Was this a punishment that you both are not to live together here on soul mate here on earth. Subject : No it was our freewill and we chose that we should not be a prey to any other illusion & grow to come back to higher plane. So this separation on earth will help us get the most out of our time & endeavor by inspiring us to put our heart into the spiritual practices while praying to have the best motivation. This, in turn, will give us a spiritual vision enthusing us for the long-term, beyond any fleeting material reasons that initially brought us. Therapist : Can we ask your counselor that why you became saint in your previous life or let me put this way what you did before previous life that made you chose to become a saint in this life. Subject : My counselor is showing me that I was a warrior before the life of saint and I killed many people. So I chose to become a saint in my previous life. Therapist : War ! hmm … that is interesting. Can you please tell me what you see in that life. Subject : As usual the two armies allied with many small kingdoms facing each other & sure of their victory. Therapist : So were you one of the heroes of that war. Subject : Maybe but all I know I was a good archer & was good maybe not the best. Therapist : So why all heroes are considered the best & always sung about in history. Because all other who dies also plays there part. Subject : As they were great stumbling blocks on the path of victory as each and every one of them was as formidable that is why they are considered to be heros. Therapist : So if we take most significant event of that war where you were the point of attraction which will be that and why. Subject : Smiled & explained. That he was surrounded by many warriors & was on his chariot and firing arrows without taking a break. And he was firing so quickly that people were astonished with his speed & accuracy. Few members from both the armies stopped to watch this most fearsome battle. And then comes the hero from the opponent side they both had the worst fight & I won but got wounded on my right arm and this was the cause of death. But before dying I killed many. Therapist : Did you die on the battlefield itself. Subject : No not on battlefield but after war which we won. My wound did not heal & later due to fever and pain I died. But before dying I was reading spiritual books that is why I was given a life to become a saint in that life. Therapist : Was the life to become a saint only option you had. Subject : No I was not forced but I chose myself. In end days of warrior life I knew I had to reunite with God and Bhakti is the only way and rest all is illusion the Maya Therapist : Hmm that makes some sense. So if we consider everything to be true &which I know is true. What is the purpose of this life. Can we ask this to your master. Subject : When one no longer craves or is inclined to make any effort for sense objects then such a person thinks why should I strive to obtain pleasures which are here today and gone tomorrow being only temporary? Then with constant endeavor one ceases to look for opportunities to facilitate favorable circumstances to enjoy sensual pleasures and eventually evaporates all thoughts of enjoying sense objects along with dissolving the memories of previous enjoyments. Only such a being is considered to be firmly established in yoga or the science of the individual soul attaining communion with the ultimate consciousness. Therapist : This means detaching from all the actions. But what confuses me most is how does one become detached from ones actions? Subject : The answer is if one is devoted to the Supreme Lord & also offers all the rewards to Him. By acting in either of these ways one is considered performing renunciation for the Supreme Lord can easily get detached. He is never contaminated by material nature. Therapist : I am sorry to ask you again the same question but I have to because this will open up new areas for the learners like me, do you mean each one has its own God! Subject : After a long pause you can say yes. But these are demigods & when I say demigod they are God but with limited powers. So the correct answer to your question will be All the universes or planes put together make one God which is Supreme. Each universe or planes does have the awareness of God the real supreme and that is the reason if we keep the focus on supreme we do not get infatuated by the illusion of these various higher planes. Therapist : Do we have few lower Planes or Universe from earth who all lives there. Subject : They are what we call hellish planets. On all these planets, living entities live on the principle of paying the sinner in his own coin. Therapist : Is there any message for me which masters want to give. Subject : When one is hungry & thirsty the taste of food & even water will be delicious. Food will be satisfying only to the degree that one has hunger. If one is not hungry even delectable foodstuffs will not be pleasing & there will be no satisfaction. But if we are hungry then old & stale food may even seem to be delicious & give us satisfaction. Similarly if there is no devotion in our activities then they will not be appetizing for Lord Krishna and He will not be satisfied by our individual’s actions. Lord Krishna reveals that if someone simply offers to Him with devotion a leaf, a flower, a fruit or even water He will accept them & He will always accept the love we have for Him with in our hearts. So in this way following the path of devotion store this love in your heart like a treasure chest & always offer in everything you do to HIM. Therapist : What is a key to attain Moksha in this lifetime only. Subject : Develop deep love towards God and you will achieve Moksha. END of THE SESSION
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 08:07:23 +0000

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