The following statement was made by Michael Badnarik during one of - TopicsExpress


The following statement was made by Michael Badnarik during one of his Constitution classes lessons. Video below. Generally deemed to be the worst travesty in human history. Hitler did not take Germany by force. He did not drive in on Army tanks. Hitler was elected. 98% voted for him in Austria. Everybody voted for Hitler because he was going to solve all their economic problems. Did Hitler get elected on monday and start throwing people into ovens on friday? No, it was a gradual process. The first thing he did was to have newspaper articles printed blaming the jews for all of Germanys problems. Did the jews write their own newspaper articles saying they disagreed? No. The jews then had to wear the star of david so the government could know who they were. Did the jews say no, thats a violation of my privacy I dont have to tell you whether Im jewish or not. The jews decided, well its a religious symbol. We love God, we should be proud to wear the star of David. Eventually, the germans broke all of the windows of all of the jewish businesses in one weekend. It was a Saturday night known as Kristallnacht. Thats german for night of glass. You couldnt walk up and down the sidewalks because they were filled with glass. Did the jews rise up and say now damn it, youre violating my property you shouldnt do that. No. They didnt want to make the germans any madder than they were they just wanted to get along. Dont want to piss them off, theyve got guns. Eventually the germans are loading them up into cattle trailers on the train. Where do you think youre going? On vacation? Where do you think theyre going to take you? Well, now youre cold and naked and theyre walking you into the ovens where youre going to go into mass execution. Is it time now to raise your hand and say you know I tend to disagree with all of this? Bang!, youre dead. Its too late to complain. You should have complained at the beginning when you at least had a chance. My question to you and I dont expect you to answer it, just think about it in your head. How bad do things have to get before you do something? Do they have to take away all your property? Do they have to license every activity you want to engage in? Do they have to start throwing you in on cattle cars before you start saying now wait a minute, I dont think this is a good idea. How long is it going to be before you finally resist and say no I will not comply. Theres a different answer for each person. Ask yourself now because sooner or later youre going to get to that line and when they cross it what are you going to say? Well, okay, cross this line. Okay, now this line, okay now cross that line and pretty soon youre in a corner. Sooner or later youve got to draw the line and stand your ground, whether anybody else does or not. That is what liberty is all about.
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 03:54:18 +0000

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