The following was an ACTUAL conversation I overheard in a waiting - TopicsExpress


The following was an ACTUAL conversation I overheard in a waiting room earlier today..... Kid: Dad, what does the military do? Man: be more specific, which branch? Kid: uh, what does the Army do? Man: they dig holes. Kid: what about the Air Force? Man: they play games. Kid: what kind of games? Man: video games. Kid: oh. What about the Navy? Man: they play with sail boats. Kid: like in the ocean? Man: yup. Kid: whats the Marines do? Man: they drink beer and get in fights. Kid: and the Coast Gaurd? Man: they protect the coast and rescue dumbasses. Kid: Dad, whats a dumbass? Man: your Uncle Bobby is a dumbass. Kid: ooohhhh. Cause he likes light his arm hair on fire? Man: no, cause he likes to get his fist stuck in bar walls. And cause he likes do stupid shit. Truth is stranger than fiction! I wish I could unhear that whole conversation!!!!!
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 23:51:02 +0000

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