The food crises in Kenya today is a matter of great concern, - TopicsExpress


The food crises in Kenya today is a matter of great concern, however, I differ with everybody else that the failure of adequate rainfalll is to blame. The problem lies solely on the government, researchers and extension services. Kenya is hardly the league of Chad, Mali or say the Sahara desert or countries in Asia like Bangladesh, Its no worse than the middle East but in all these countries food is produced. We all talk about climate change but fail to say there are remedies to mitigate the effects too. The problem with Kenya lies with a misinformed conception and stationery tastebuds. If I met a farmer say trying to do potatoes in Ukambani or lets say an area below 1500m above sea level then I know this farmer is doomed likewise if I find farmers doing maize in the same altitude I would say Well! try your luck. Its a trial and error farming practice, as we speak today some areas in Tharaka are expecting a bumper harvest of the following food crops: Millet, sorghum, Cassava, chicken pea and pigeon pea. The maize has turned into onions. The success in Thararaka though cannot not only be attributed to the food crop choices but a change in their attitude towards soil. They have learnt to break hardpans in the soil, proper application of both chemical and organic fertizers and the right choice of varieties. Who tells a person in Turkana to go for maize for instance? When will Kenyan rural folk learn to store vegetables in their houses for the future in dried form? When I speak to the Kenyan Media houses made of urban wannabes all I hear is Sijui polician A did what and other crap or better still Arsenal beat Tusker FC. All that is trash, WE need to first walk then we crawl, you cant keep yapping football and politics as people feed on dogs. Thats why I detest all that crap.
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 09:52:34 +0000

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