The food was great but all while we ate I kept getting this - TopicsExpress


The food was great but all while we ate I kept getting this feeling of being watched. And every time I turned to look there was no one there. It was kind of freaking me out. Roland even looked unsettled and I know for a fact it take quite a bit to ruffle his feathers. We ate in silence and it was as if we would be ready to spring to a fight if needed. It was a sinister coil of anxiety. "Pay the bill, Gideon." Roland nodded at me. Then he made a slight wink. Oh shit that was the sign for danger. "Of course." I rose from the booth we had been sitting in and walked up to the counter. I waited for a moment for the waitress to come take my money. My gaze sweeping the room slowly and indiscreetly. Just as I had been taught long ago. Whatever you do. Do not make a production of something. Battle is a dance not a play. Roland was making a small show of rising from the booth. He was smiling widely for our fellow patrons. As if to assure them there was nothing wrong. But that sense of "wrong" would not go away. "Are you ready to pay, sir?" I turned and looked at the waitress. There was something in her eyes I will never forget. Fear, she looked at me as though she wished to be anywhere but here with me at this moment."Has the food been to your liking?" "Oh yes." I said smiling."My companion and I may even have room left for dessert."
Posted on: Thu, 03 Oct 2013 22:04:38 +0000

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