The forthright Prime Minister of India knows his mind and - TopicsExpress


The forthright Prime Minister of India knows his mind and apparently he may have got his priorities right . The previous regimes with professors from academic crystal ambiance and some others amongst the Equals of similar mindset in tandem as rulers of the Country , and with a high and mighty attitude , were made most visible to the world by a compliant section in the media . They were unfortunately the farthest away from the teeming quarter of a billion population , large sections in hovels . poor and deprived of nutritious food , medical facilities and basic education. Only in India a governance without an iota of sense of responsibility or accountability can be expected to be seen around in a civilized country traumatized for a decade by a reckless regime ..A quarter of the electorate of 700 million are the youth trying to find a place for themselves under the sun .They and the poor are least interested in whether India is Number 1 or 2 or 3 in the pecking order in the race for economic growth in the world . These two and the enlightened delivered the parting push for a somewhat inept and not so nice regime .A situation will hopefully come in due course when there will be smiles and contentment in the Nation in unity and solidity . The urge to join in the race for economic growth will have to wait till then ; it will be from within and not an idea thrust on them by a handful of upstarts egged on by some vested interest from abroad . The lure of rising in status amongst the leaders in the world in economic growth , trade and other enterprises would not any longer look too delirious , as they might have , for some upstarts of limited vision in governance to miss the attractive gains in their egos and pockets . It was in the interest of such people that glittering shows were organised of desert fortresses and glittering palaces besides chicken biriyani bonanzas in Hyderabad House in New Delhi . Such visits were made to look like those of the angels , few and far between . Matters of no importance might have been discussed , and no decision on any major issue seemed to need any immediate attention . Comparatively stating , John Kerrys visit was certainly not a brilliant event leading to any achievement , but it was not a damp squib either . Ice was broken between strangers for the fresh beginning of a new relationship of trust and understanding between the two nations of great importance , at the next session in the US when Narendra Modi vists the State .The priorities on the home front overriding issues on international trade and general economic growth in the world scene , kept in tandem at a lower speed , was the scenario most disappointing to a US Secretary of State . The change from a vibrant bon homie and a subtle subservient attitude expected to one of equality , conscious of ones own vital interests and their order of priority must have shaken up some in the media ; the readily malleable perspective for a great powers expected wishes , must have been played up by the world media , particularly from the west . The steady growth of BRICS countries and the proposed Bank in Shanghai , is displaying a silent strength to endorse the changes in world bodies like the UN , WTO , World Bank and the IMF . Indias views on the world , naturally will have the silent nod from the four other partners in the entente . This may well be parts of the game in international affairs at the highest level in the near future . The past regime of a billion got all worked up ridiculously at a national level on an issue of a mid level diplomat facing criminal charges of a personal nature abroad . Things have moved a long way in the period of three months in the new wave in the Country .
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 10:37:59 +0000

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