The founding members of CPC (Coaliton of Parties for Change), have - TopicsExpress


The founding members of CPC (Coaliton of Parties for Change), have disassociated themselves from acts of treason and dictatorship, by the current CPC President Faustin Twagiramungu. Based on the press release issued by the current President of CPC(Coaliton of Parties for Change), Mr. Faustin Twagiramungu, dated Oct 6, 2014, the CPC held a special meeting. After a careful review of the resolutions that were announced by a so-called supreme council meeting that took place on Oct, 05,2014; resolutions that we find highly treasonous, And based on the dictatorial behavior that has characterized CPC President Mr. Faustin Twagiramungu throughout his tenure, We, the founding members of the CPC, minus RDI-Rwanda Rwiza led by Mr.Faustin Twagiramungu, announce to the People of Rwanda and friends of Rwanda, the following: . The so called CPC Supreme council meeting of Oct 5, 2014 was planned in very high secrecy, and very rushed manner, and without taking into consideration the requirements set forth, by both FCLR-Ubumwe and UDR (Rwandan Democratic Union) on Oct 5, 2014, highlighting major issues that were to be addressed, prior to the meeting, therefore we do not agree with the meeting, and we do not give credence to any of the resolutions that came out of it, especially considering that only two out the eight executive members of the council, were in attendance. The two members in attendance were RDI-Rwanda Rwiza, President Faustin Twagiramungu, and the treasury commissioner who is also an RDI-Rwanda Rwiza member. Absent from the meeting were the following: -1st Vice.President -2nd Vice President -Executive Secretary and CPC spokesperson, -The political commissioner -The diplomatic commissioner -The Security Commissioner Since all of these members were absent due to the aforementioned understandable reasons, one is left wondering, who else was present alongside the President of the CPC during the so called Supreme Council meeting. . The President of the CPC, Mr. Faustin Twagiramungu, has demonstrated extreme dictatorial behavior, mixed with pride, arrogance, cockiness, and discourtesy, which makes him impermeable to any advice given to him by the coalition partners. .Instead of implementing the CPC basic mandate of uniting: all the forces that are opposed to the murderous regime of Kagme’s RPF, the President of the CPC Mr. Faustin Twagiramungu spent all his time meddling in other parties’ internal affairs, trying to create divisions and setting members against each other, for his own benefit. .In his Oct 6,2014 press release, CPC President Mr. Faustin Twagiramungu who has always been under a cloud of suspicion by a large part of Rwandese people due to his blind ambition, and treasonous tendencies, finally revealed the real motives behind his constant claim, that he is the only person capable of ending the plight of Rwandan refugees, especially those in the Democratic Republic of Congo, by stating that his true intentions are to remove their protection by the FDLR, and sending their leaders to the same one sided international justice, which so far has failed to prosecute the crimes committed against them by the RPF(UN mapping report). We are now left wondering about the difference between Mr.Faustin Twagiramungu’s language and that of Kagame’s RPF, since they seem to be pursuing the same objective. .In light of all the aforementioned reasons and other issues that we do not need to bring up: We, the signatories of the present press release, FCLR-Ubumwe and UDR, disassociate ourselves from the treasonous acts and dictatorial behavior by the current CPC President Mr.Faustin Twagiramungu, who we no longer recognize as our coalition President. In fact, he has also been a major stumbling block in our efforts to widen the coalition, whose sole purpose is to liberate the people of Rwanda before it is too late. Therefore, Mr.Faustin Twagiramungu is no longer allowed to put out press releases, make decisions, or engage in any other political activities on behalf of the CPC. .Pending the appointment of a new President by the Coalition Parteners, his duties will be carried out by current 1st Vice President Maj Gen. Victor Byiringiro, all other matters pertaining to the leadership of the CPC will be communicated to the public in the coming days. .The CPC Coalition reiterates its firm support to the FDLR and its leadership, and expressing its infinite gratitude to them, for their continued efforts, and their self less sacrifice in protecting the Rwandese refugees currently in the Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. .The CPC Coalition takes this opportunity to renew its commitment to its basic principles, and makes a solemn vow to the Rwandese people that it will only serve the interests of the people above all, and welcomes other political formations to join. .Long live the cooperation of all Rwandans, and may God bless the work of those who join forces together in search of Freedom, Peace and Justice. Done in Walikale and Paris, Oct 8, 2014 Maj. Gen.Victor Byiringiro President of FCLR-Ubumwe and 1st Vice President of CPC Paulin Murayi President of UDR and 2nd Vice President of CPC
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 09:01:02 +0000

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