The framework/system or structure of Pakistan is deeply rooted and - TopicsExpress


The framework/system or structure of Pakistan is deeply rooted and stems from colonial past. Govt servants and parliamentarian are Masters and exploiters of the Awam (the common man). The system was designed by the British Raj to extract all kinds of resources (human and material). So, you are left with two choices - be exploiters or become exploitees. Now, why one does not want to utilize the services of a Govt hospital, school or bus/train/aeroplane - low quality of service. Why low quality service, ill-intention (in case of education), mismanagement, corruption, nepotism etc. Why all these things - division of society into two classes: rulers and ruled. Rulers (not just politicians, it includes high class bureaucrats (civil and military), judiciary, feudal class, gang leaders, butta and land mafias, corrupt religious leaders/mafias etc.). Why this division, roots are in history. Institutions of feudalism, bureaucracy, military, judiciary and so-called parliamentary system - all are the same conceptualized and operationalized by British Raj. Society is also divided and disharmonized. Exploitation of religious, economic, linguistic or ethnic differences for the achievement of devilish objectives by religious, political and economic leaders of the country. The solution: uprising by educated youth like Egypt. When will it happen. May be in near future.
Posted on: Sat, 18 Jan 2014 02:58:53 +0000

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