The free-will/Predestination quandary and Soul-Age Theory- There - TopicsExpress


The free-will/Predestination quandary and Soul-Age Theory- There is an ancient quandary that has plagued philosophers in the question regarding free-will vs predestination. In short, it was thought that because of the nature of each, a person would be forced to cling to a belief in one or the other as a basis for their life-philosophy. The reason, in short, being that if a person believes that each individual has a free will to make choices as they please, then there can be no predestined path in life. In other words, what is going to happen is not set in time as a fact. And vice-versa when the situation is reversed. I believe that the key to this seeming paradox lie in what is referred to as “Soul-age Theory”. Briefly, this theory hypothesizes that each individual, whether through reincarnation or Genetic-memory, are on this earth at a certain stage of spiritual development. There are five stages that a person’s soul goes through during various lives or during a single life. These stages mirror the personality characteristics of humans as they age. It is too much to go into here, but very briefly, the stages are: Infant soul, Baby, soul, Young soul, Mature soul, and Old Soul. Each containing their own set of characteristics and behavioral traits. These levels of development are pretty spot on, and we can recognize the levels of ourselves and others pretty easily if we are honest. The point is, that each level of development has a set of personality traits that will guide a person’s free-will in a certain direction of interest in their lifetime. Because of this, each individual is free to make their own choices, however their personalities are set in such modes of operation that their will to change and act only allows them to see certain opportunities. This is how I believe that we can explain and get past the predestination/free-will paradox. I encourage you all to do research on the Soul-age Theory for your own edification. I have found this site: michaelteachings/soul_age_index.html And this book: amazon/Old-Souls-Sages-Mystics-World-ebook/dp/B00G0L8UUU To be very helpful. Do not stop there, however, as I find this to be a potentially life-changing revelation for us all. -Dr. F
Posted on: Mon, 09 Jun 2014 21:36:07 +0000

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