The full document of this report submitted to - TopicsExpress


The full document of this report submitted to Aljazeera,BBC,CNN, outlets ICC,and Human Right Organizations. Comparing between Nazi-TPLF IN ETHIOPIA & Nazi-GERMANY, TPLF is Appying the Nazi Model to Exterminate the Amhara People. The Nazis of Germany took a shorter period of time to exterminate six million Jews and Gypsies between 1939-1945 than th...e TPLF, although it used an identical model with a slightly different approach; slow and systematic in exterminating the Amharas in particular and Ethiopians in general for the past twenty-two years. Here are areas of comparison between Nazis and TPLF to see how they are strikingly similar. NAZIS: Hitler promised to annihilate all Jews from the face of Europe. TPLF: In its manifesto, TPLF promised to eliminate the Amharas from the face of Ethiopia. NAZIS: Exterminated six million Jews and Gypsies under the pretext of ‘Blue Blood, Supreme race, Aryan doctrine. TPLF: Have been exterminating the Amharas in particular and Ethiopians in general, under the pretext of building greater Tigerian domain. TPLF sees Amharas as a threat to their ambition and as an adversary to their extended power. NAZIS: Engaged in various dehumanizing and exterminating methods to eliminate Jews: insulting, beating, humiliating, degrading their cultures, tradition, language and religion. TPLF: Have been using similar psychological warfare against the Amharas in particular and to the Ethiopians in general, by desecrating Amharas’ religions, sanctuaries, degrading their language and undermining their flags, cultures and traditions. NAZIS: Displaced Jews and Gypsies, tattooed all of them for control, Brought them to concentration camps, subjected them to hard labor, and subsequently marched them in the crematoriums. TPLF: Herded defenseless Amharas to underground dungeons called ‘void number six’ (Bado Sidi St) and left them to die from lack of light, sanitation, as well as dehydration and malnutrition. NAZIS: Transported Jews and Gypsies in cattle cars packed tight with no room for sitting nor standing during the long journeys. TPLF: Have been transporting displaced Amharas (men, women, children, and old people), packing them into mechanically defective trucks driven to unknown destinations. Often many would catch on fire, break down on the road and plinge into ravines with people on board. NAZIS: Instigated division among inmates: Jews vs. Gypsies. The SS and Gestapo assigned Gypsies to guard Jewish prisoners. TPLF: Keeps agents inside prisons to target individuals, instigate altercations, spread rumors and hatred inside the prison community, mobilize mobs in order to victimize Amharas or Ethiopians. Thousands lost their lives in this manner. NAZIS: Kept their victims in concentration camps (Auschwitz, Buna, Birkenau, etc.) subjected prisoners to harsh and hard labor—subsequently sent them to execution chambers. TPLF: There are countless prisons in Ethiopia, infested with insects: lice, bedbugs, ticks, rodents: I urge you to read the accounts of two Swedish journalists who served time in TPLF’s prison system. Since there is no media presence, TPLF forces are free to commit all kinds of atrocities, including mass murders, random shootings on a whim. This has happened in regions such as Wolquait, Tegede, Humera, Northern Shoa, Gambella, Wollo, etc. Almost 99% of Wolquait and Humera residents have been forcefully removed from the area; Most have been exterminated and the rest have disappeared. Most of the Humera and Wolquait residents are descendants of the Tigerian ruling regime. NAZIS: Expelled all Jews and Gypsies from Germany, Austria, France, Switzerland, Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, and herded to concentration camps. TPLF: Has displaced Amharas who have been intermingled with others in different regions of Ethiopia, with NO plan of resettling them. After eviction, victims were abandoned without shelters, food or water. So most perished and the few survivors became homeless or shanty dwellers even in the capital city of Addis Ababa. NAZIS: Confiscated and looted belongings owned by Jews, including the extraction of gold teeth from those still living. This project was executed by the notorious Dr. Mengele. TPLF: Properties and businesses owned by Amharas or Ethiopians have been looted by TPLF cadres and accomplices of various localities. Many Amharas and or Ethiopians have been evicted from their land and were impoverished as a result. NAZIS: Starved the Jews and Gypsies to death, also marched them tens of kilometers naked in the freezing snow, when each time more than half perished due to hypothermia. Those who lagged behind were shot by the Nazis ridding on motorcades and vehicles. TPLF: Ordered the Amharas or Ethiopians to march naked for Thousands of kilometers from the Asmara and Assab regions, and before departure, their gold teeth were extracted. When the Red Cross offered clothing, food, and escort service, TPLF denied their help and forced the victims to continue marching to their destination. And most of the displaced evacuees perished enroute. A few survivors of this ordeal reached home, disease stricken, and again were denied medical treat- ment by TPLF agents. As a result, many survivors lost their lives. There are very few today who can bear witness to this heinous crime. NAZIS: Infested the concentration camps with diseases and many inmates died as a result. TPLF: Planned to exterminate Amharas in a very sophisticated and systematic way using poisonous medications imported from countries such as China and India. These poisonous substances were applied to the Amhara’s regions, hospitals and clinics. In this case, the rate of AIDS victims rose very high within the first ten years of TPLF reign. Also many AIDS carriers have been encouraged to move to the Amhara region in order to infect the population of an impoverished community. One can only estimate the amount of damage caused by this evil project. The projects of the black Nazis of TPLF have proven successful in the Northern Shoa and Debre Berehane regions and other parts of Amhara regions. NAZIS: Exterminated most Jewish men, women, and children inside the concentration camps by throwing children alive into the crematoriums. TPLF: Have been sterilizing Amharic women and men under the guise of birth control to prevent further Amhara descendants. TPLF also engaged in the highly lucrative business of selling young females, between the ages of 8-12 years old, to Arab countries as maids by changing their given names and religions, thus depriving them of the chance to return home. The agency which runs this business is called ‘Saudi Star,’ Owned by Sheik Mohammed Alamoud an accomplice of TPLF. NAZIS: Separated skilled laborers from the general inmates in order to use them for special, technical skilled work. However, these prisoners were eventually exterminated. TPLF: In this case, TPLF used adverse psychology; they excluded all skilled Ethiopians from high governmental positions, with no alternatives for earning money. Eventually, most of these victims became street beggars, and some have been put into prisons for no apparent reason where they are languishing indefinitely. NAZIS: Executioners were SS, Gestapo, and police from other European countries where Jews were evacuated. TPLF: Currently,TPLF has highly trained special forces to commit crimes that have never existed in human history. TPLF Agazi forces are equivalent to SS Nazi special forces and Federals are the same as the Gestapo police force; their special training consists of shooting-killing. An ordinary gaze or small utterance can be a pretext for shooting a person, especially an Ethiopian. BLACK NAZI, TPLF leaders: Have created an apartheid system in Ethiopiaand have been dehumanizing all of these people. Secret orders have been circulating from TPLF high command t0 all region administrators to terminate Amharas and Ethiopians from their employment, confiscate their businesses and properties, and evict from their homes. As a result of this directive so manycrimes have been committed including Genocide againsAmharas and Ethiopians. TPLF: The legal system is a defined by TPLF’s ministry of injustice. Three puppet judges are assigned to each of their Kangaroo Courts. These judges have never heard arguments on cases, but simply fill the chairs for the sake of formality, and pass their false verdicts, to criminalize innocent people. All cases are decided by TPLF members against Amharas. VOID NUMBER SIX (Bado Sidist) Dungeons: There are hundreds of void numbers six (Bado Sidist) dungeons and mass graves throughout the country! Several of them are in the Tigria region where most abducted Amharas or Ethiopians have been taken to Tigria for execution. TPLF: Has left no stone unturned to eliminate Amharas and erase Ethiopian identity. Woyanes have tried all sorts of ‘divide and conquer’ methods to weaken the unity of the Ethiopian people. When they first seized power, they immediately engaged in dividing the society along ethnic lines inciting hatred and animosity among theml. As a result, thousands of Amharas have been massacred in the region of Harar, Bedeno, Arsi, Abomisa and Arbagugu. For TPLF leaders, the speed of elimination was not fast enough to meet their goals, so they are obliged to find other methods. The international communities have been consistently informed about the crimes perpetrated against the Amharas for the past twenty-two years, however they have all turned deaf ears to the cries and woes of Ethiopians. Internationally, Ethiopians have staged hundreds of demonstrations pleading their case against the TPLF, but responses have been lukewarm at best. Countries such as the United States and Great Britain have supported the crime- ridden notorious TPLF regime, even knowing its various crimes since they came to power. In particular, Britain with all its arrogance and history of humiliating nations, using its old rotten system of divide and control, in collaboration with the noxious TPLF regime, has engaged in destroying the rich culture of Ethiopia, its civilization and heritage. The US Government also has all the information about TPLF’s Human Rights record, but continue to allow these crimes to be committed by TPLF. American tax payer money is being wasted to fund these ruthless criminals. As a taxpayer, I contribute to this travesty…which is perpetrated against my own people. I wonder! What does their silence mean?? The aforementioned comparison of TPLF to Nazis is done to give some idea to the reader, but it is only the tip of the iceberg. Most of the details of the crimes committed have been unheralded; very little is known locally and internationally due to suppression of information and freedom of expression. The crimes far exceed those detailed here, and the documentation of such would fill a huge library. Simply, contemporary Ethiopia can be defined as a land of living hell, particularly to Amharas and Ethiopians. The country is occupied by monstrous gangs, hit men, and Mafia-style groups that are ruthless and heartless apocalyptic messengers, pro-apartheid and internal colonizers of the 21st Century. Therefore, I call upon all historians and scholars and plea to you, to further investigate TPLF crimes against Amharas and Ethiopians and expose such to the international community. As Amharas and Ethiopians, we have a duty not only to bear witness to these horrific crimes, but the obligation to commit ourselves for sacrifice to preserve our country and protect the people from these horrendous African Nazis. We should also list and catalogue these ruthless TPLF crimes for future use as young Jews did after World War II. Many Nazi criminals were hunted and brought to justice. Hence, we and our children will have a chance to hunt down these killers. To forget these atrocities, genocides will not only be dangerous, but offensive in every respect; To forget the victims would be tantamount to killing them a second time. The WOYANES have been committing crimes of a primitive type in the 21st Century under our watchful eyes for 22 years. What are we waiting for? We Ethiopians must stand together and face these criminals. We need to leave our children with not only their country, but their pride. Our gift to the comig generation should not not only be land, but a land free from Ethno-Fascists. The full document of this report submitted to Aljazeera,BBC,CNN, outlets ICC,and Human Right Organizations. Comparing between Nazi-TPLF IN ETHIOPIA & Nazi-GERMANY, TPLF is Appying the Nazi Model to Exterminate the Amhara People. The Nazis of Germany took a shorter period of time to exterminate six million Jews and Gypsies between 1939-1945 than th...e TPLF, although it used an identical model with a slightly different approach; slow and systematic in exterminating the Amharas in particular and Ethiopians in general for the past twenty-two years. Here are areas of comparison between Nazis and TPLF to see how they are strikingly similar. NAZIS: Hitler promised to annihilate all Jews from the face of Europe. TPLF: In its manifesto, TPLF promised to eliminate the Amharas from the face of Ethiopia. NAZIS: Exterminated six million Jews and Gypsies under the pretext of ‘Blue Blood, Supreme race, Aryan doctrine. TPLF: Have been exterminating the Amharas in particular and Ethiopians in general, under the pretext of building greater Tigerian domain. TPLF sees Amharas as a threat to their ambition and as an adversary to their extended power. NAZIS: Engaged in various dehumanizing and exterminating methods to eliminate Jews: insulting, beating, humiliating, degrading their cultures, tradition, language and religion. TPLF: Have been using similar psychological warfare against the Amharas in particular and to the Ethiopians in general, by desecrating Amharas’ religions, sanctuaries, degrading their language and undermining their flags, cultures and traditions. NAZIS: Displaced Jews and Gypsies, tattooed all of them for control, Brought them to concentration camps, subjected them to hard labor, and subsequently marched them in the crematoriums. TPLF: Herded defenseless Amharas to underground dungeons called ‘void number six’ (Bado Sidi St) and left them to die from lack of light, sanitation, as well as dehydration and malnutrition. NAZIS: Transported Jews and Gypsies in cattle cars packed tight with no room for sitting nor standing during the long journeys. TPLF: Have been transporting displaced Amharas (men, women, children, and old people), packing them into mechanically defective trucks driven to unknown destinations. Often many would catch on fire, break down on the road and plinge into ravines with people on board. NAZIS: Instigated division among inmates: Jews vs. Gypsies. The SS and Gestapo assigned Gypsies to guard Jewish prisoners. TPLF: Keeps agents inside prisons to target individuals, instigate altercations, spread rumors and hatred inside the prison community, mobilize mobs in order to victimize Amharas or Ethiopians. Thousands lost their lives in this manner. NAZIS: Kept their victims in concentration camps (Auschwitz, Buna, Birkenau, etc.) subjected prisoners to harsh and hard labor—subsequently sent them to execution chambers. TPLF: There are countless prisons in Ethiopia, infested with insects: lice, bedbugs, ticks, rodents: I urge you to read the accounts of two Swedish journalists who served time in TPLF’s prison system. Since there is no media presence, TPLF forces are free to commit all kinds of atrocities, including mass murders, random shootings on a whim. This has happened in regions such as Wolquait, Tegede, Humera, Northern Shoa, Gambella, Wollo, etc. Almost 99% of Wolquait and Humera residents have been forcefully removed from the area; Most have been exterminated and the rest have disappeared. Most of the Humera and Wolquait residents are descendants of the Tigerian ruling regime. NAZIS: Expelled all Jews and Gypsies from Germany, Austria, France, Switzerland, Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, and herded to concentration camps. TPLF: Has displaced Amharas who have been intermingled with others in different regions of Ethiopia, with NO plan of resettling them. After eviction, victims were abandoned without shelters, food or water. So most perished and the few survivors became homeless or shanty dwellers even in the capital city of Addis Ababa. NAZIS: Confiscated and looted belongings owned by Jews, including the extraction of gold teeth from those still living. This project was executed by the notorious Dr. Mengele. TPLF: Properties and businesses owned by Amharas or Ethiopians have been looted by TPLF cadres and accomplices of various localities. Many Amharas and or Ethiopians have been evicted from their land and were impoverished as a result. NAZIS: Starved the Jews and Gypsies to death, also marched them tens of kilometers naked in the freezing snow, when each time more than half perished due to hypothermia. Those who lagged behind were shot by the Nazis ridding on motorcades and vehicles. TPLF: Ordered the Amharas or Ethiopians to march naked for Thousands of kilometers from the Asmara and Assab regions, and before departure, their gold teeth were extracted. When the Red Cross offered clothing, food, and escort service, TPLF denied their help and forced the victims to continue marching to their destination. And most of the displaced evacuees perished enroute. A few survivors of this ordeal reached home, disease stricken, and again were denied medical treat- ment by TPLF agents. As a result, many survivors lost their lives. There are very few today who can bear witness to this heinous crime. NAZIS: Infested the concentration camps with diseases and many inmates died as a result. TPLF: Planned to exterminate Amharas in a very sophisticated and systematic way using poisonous medications imported from countries such as China and India. These poisonous substances were applied to the Amhara’s regions, hospitals and clinics. In this case, the rate of AIDS victims rose very high within the first ten years of TPLF reign. Also many AIDS carriers have been encouraged to move to the Amhara region in order to infect the population of an impoverished community. One can only estimate the amount of damage caused by this evil project. The projects of the black Nazis of TPLF have proven successful in the Northern Shoa and Debre Berehane regions and other parts of Amhara regions. NAZIS: Exterminated most Jewish men, women, and children inside the concentration camps by throwing children alive into the crematoriums. TPLF: Have been sterilizing Amharic women and men under the guise of birth control to prevent further Amhara descendants. TPLF also engaged in the highly lucrative business of selling young females, between the ages of 8-12 years old, to Arab countries as maids by changing their given names and religions, thus depriving them of the chance to return home. The agency which runs this business is called ‘Saudi Star,’ Owned by Sheik Mohammed Alamoud an accomplice of TPLF. NAZIS: Separated skilled laborers from the general inmates in order to use them for special, technical skilled work. However, these prisoners were eventually exterminated. TPLF: In this case, TPLF used adverse psychology; they excluded all skilled Ethiopians from high governmental positions, with no alternatives for earning money. Eventually, most of these victims became street beggars, and some have been put into prisons for no apparent reason where they are languishing indefinitely. NAZIS: Executioners were SS, Gestapo, and police from other European countries where Jews were evacuated. TPLF: Currently,TPLF has highly trained special forces to commit crimes that have never existed in human history. TPLF Agazi forces are equivalent to SS Nazi special forces and Federals are the same as the Gestapo police force; their special training consists of shooting-killing. An ordinary gaze or small utterance can be a pretext for shooting a person, especially an Ethiopian. BLACK NAZI, TPLF leaders: Have created an apartheid system in Ethiopiaand have been dehumanizing all of these people. Secret orders have been circulating from TPLF high command t0 all region administrators to terminate Amharas and Ethiopians from their employment, confiscate their businesses and properties, and evict from their homes. As a result of this directive so manycrimes have been committed including Genocide againsAmharas and Ethiopians. TPLF: The legal system is a defined by TPLF’s ministry of injustice. Three puppet judges are assigned to each of their Kangaroo Courts. These judges have never heard arguments on cases, but simply fill the chairs for the sake of formality, and pass their false verdicts, to criminalize innocent people. All cases are decided by TPLF members against Amharas. VOID NUMBER SIX (Bado Sidist) Dungeons: There are hundreds of void numbers six (Bado Sidist) dungeons and mass graves throughout the country! Several of them are in the Tigria region where most abducted Amharas or Ethiopians have been taken to Tigria for execution. TPLF: Has left no stone unturned to eliminate Amharas and erase Ethiopian identity. Woyanes have tried all sorts of ‘divide and conquer’ methods to weaken the unity of the Ethiopian people. When they first seized power, they immediately engaged in dividing the society along ethnic lines inciting hatred and animosity among theml. As a result, thousands of Amharas have been massacred in the region of Harar, Bedeno, Arsi, Abomisa and Arbagugu. For TPLF leaders, the speed of elimination was not fast enough to meet their goals, so they are obliged to find other methods. The international communities have been consistently informed about the crimes perpetrated against the Amharas for the past twenty-two years, however they have all turned deaf ears to the cries and woes of Ethiopians. Internationally, Ethiopians have staged hundreds of demonstrations pleading their case against the TPLF, but responses have been lukewarm at best. Countries such as the United States and Great Britain have supported the crime- ridden notorious TPLF regime, even knowing its various crimes since they came to power. In particular, Britain with all its arrogance and history of humiliating nations, using its old rotten system of divide and control, in collaboration with the noxious TPLF regime, has engaged in destroying the rich culture of Ethiopia, its civilization and heritage. The US Government also has all the information about TPLF’s Human Rights record, but continue to allow these crimes to be committed by TPLF. American tax payer money is being wasted to fund these ruthless criminals. As a taxpayer, I contribute to this travesty…which is perpetrated against my own people. I wonder! What does their silence mean?? The aforementioned comparison of TPLF to Nazis is done to give some idea to the reader, but it is only the tip of the iceberg. Most of the details of the crimes committed have been unheralded; very little is known locally and internationally due to suppression of information and freedom of expression. The crimes far exceed those detailed here, and the documentation of such would fill a huge library. Simply, contemporary Ethiopia can be defined as a land of living hell, particularly to Amharas and Ethiopians. The country is occupied by monstrous gangs, hit men, and Mafia-style groups that are ruthless and heartless apocalyptic messengers, pro-apartheid and internal colonizers of the 21st Century. Therefore, I call upon all historians and scholars and plea to you, to further investigate TPLF crimes against Amharas and Ethiopians and expose such to the international community. As Amharas and Ethiopians, we have a duty not only to bear witness to these horrific crimes, but the obligation to commit ourselves for sacrifice to preserve our country and protect the people from these horrendous African Nazis. We should also list and catalogue these ruthless TPLF crimes for future use as young Jews did after World War II. Many Nazi criminals were hunted and brought to justice. Hence, we and our children will have a chance to hunt down these killers. To forget these atrocities, genocides will not only be dangerous, but offensive in every respect; To forget the victims would be tantamount to killing them a second time. The WOYANES have been committing crimes of a primitive type in the 21st Century under our watchful eyes for 22 years. What are we waiting for? We Ethiopians must stand together and face these criminals. We need to leave our children with not only their country, but their pride. Our gift to the comig generation should not not only be land, but a land free from Ethno-Fascists. LikeLike · · Share
Posted on: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 19:22:06 +0000

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