The full moon of the octo-night An English translation of the - TopicsExpress


The full moon of the octo-night An English translation of the original Kannada article Ashtamiya Poorna Chandra by Dr. Bannanje Govindacharya It is the hand that smothered the breasts of the demon and killed her. It is the pretty hand that stole the butter from the Gopi’s and shared the spoils with his friends. It is the musical hand that evoked the mesmerizing sound from the holes of the bamboo flute. It is the hand that stole the clothes when the Gopi’s were bathing. It is the hand that draped Drowpathi with a garment and saved her from humiliation. It is the hand that held the umbrella and provided the protection from the wrath of the heavens. It is the hand that excited the girls by love fully playing with their breasts. It is the hand that wiped the tears of the soil and the women. It is the hand that tore the wheel. It is the hand that cannot be analyzed through logic. It is the hand that held the hands of Arjuna in the battlefield and cared for his well being. It is the hand that held the rose and appeared in the dreams. It is the hand that is more fragile than the flower. In the history of the entire world, it is common knowledge that the towering personality of Krishna is endowed with the power to integrate controversies. The luminaries of the world always encounter a stage in their life, where, they launch themselves to recognizable heights. Krishna lived at the pinnacle of luminosity. Here, there is no chance for being mean and timid. He was a stalwart when he was small. People attain their pinnacle through their small and selfish behavior. He scaled down from the top, illuminated all and descended as the rays of light. Cure to the dichotomy: There are people who care for the self and reject the outer world. This is a recent trend of the atheists. There are people who accept the outer world and reject the self. This is a recent trend of the theists. Choices between these two are dichotomous in nature. How can one prefer the day and reject the night. How can one pick happiness and reject sorrow? How can one select the birth and reject death? When one prefers life, this dichotomy is embedded in it. Opting one and rejecting the other makes life unlivable. Death is the first phase of life. Birth is the next phase of life. The seeds of sadness are embedded in happiness and comfort. Days are seeded in the night. The external exists in the internal. The internal exists in the external. This is that and that is this. The mutual attachment of this dichotomy is a knot that cannot be untied. Standing outside this dichotomy and experiencing them is real living. Krishna says, let us step on this dichotomous serpent and dance in joy. For Krishna, the Bhagavad Geetha is a lovelorn dance and his lovelorn dance with the girls is the Bhagavad Geetha. He only knows to laugh and dance in ecstasy. He does not know how to cry. There are people who have cried looking at Krishna’s laugh. He never cried. Krishna laughed in the battle field when Arjuna sloughed in desperation and depression. Krishna laughed when Yadavas fought against each other to extinction. He knows that birth and death are equally important. People should learn to love both birth and death. We feel sorry that things that should not happen happened in this world. When we say things should not happen, we mean things that we wish would not happen. This is selfishness. Selfishness is the root cause for sorrow. Krishna Says : Evamapya Shubham Karma NA Bhootham Na Bhavishyathi. What should not happen, never happened in the past, will not happen in the future and what has to happen will happen. Accept what comes your way with a smile. Crying over unavoidable occurrences is stupidity. For Krishna, war was a lovelorn dance. Death is also a lovelorn dance for him. This is the perspective visible to people in an exalted position. From the airplane the structures on the ground look like match boxes. Hence Krishna is calling us with an open hand. Whatever is the status quo and whatever the future holds, let it dance, let us dance. Let us jubilantly respond to Krishna’s call, let us voice our jubilation, let us respond hand in hand, and let us dance to the vibrant rhythm. Life means dancing with jubilation, not collapsing crying. A Complete Human Being In spite of studying the Veda’s, it is uncomfortable for the theoretical scholars to reason why they dance like the stage actors? Even though they studied the Veda’s, they failed to become scholar practitioners. They failed to comprehend the fact that life is a big drama. When the full moon bathed the earth with milk and honey these people closed their eyes in meditation. These people became enthralled by their own intellectual emptiness and inferred that all these are illusions and one should not get mesmerized. People who cannot comprehend their own lives cannot comprehend Krishna or his life. This is especially true for people who deny the existence and for people who complain because it did not exist. Krishna preached to embrace everything, live life to its fullest extent, and never deny the existence of anything. Yes, Krishna stood at the pinnacle of spiritualism and danced with the girls. He married 16,108 girls and remained a celibate. He preached non-violence and drove the chariot in the biggest battle of all times. Krishna lied that Ashwathama is dead. Krishna knew that truth sometimes becomes false, nonviolence sometimes becomes violent, and violence sometimes becomes non-violence. Honesty takes birth in the womb of dishonesty Peace hatches from the egg of violence The jewel of nonviolence shines in the crown of violence Krishna was the first to confront this truth. Several of his contemporaries tried to measure the personality of Krishna. Krishna held a mirror to their face. They failed to perceive his personality. The image in the mirror showed their inadequacy. They failed to perceive his personality because his personality is beyond perception. Krishna the boy was complete even in his pranks. His lustful personality as a young man was complete. In the end, he was a beacon of light to the society. He was a true political leader who lived his life to the fullest to his golden years. Incompleteness never encroached him at any time in his life. Hence, he is called as super human. Humanity and incompleteness are twins. Here is a concluding poem for Krishna Lazy and procrastinators become cultured civilians Such civilians forget Krishna
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 01:10:07 +0000

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