The future must be this - The New Capitalist Socialism Society - TopicsExpress


The future must be this - The New Capitalist Socialism Society Some will ask what is - The New Capitalist Socialism Society, it is not old socialism, its this capital used in the most socialist way within society. Not the few keeping most of the wealth and paying low wages to the people, where only a very small % keep most the wealth in the land. Plus The New Capitalist Socialism Society is not a nation, but a movement of Capitalist Socialists Within Society all round the world. Plus being gay, disabled, black or anything is not a crime with The New Capitalist Socialism Society Movement, so no prejudice with any human being in the movement or The New Capitalist Socialism Society Movement on earth. The conservatives around the world are for the few the rich and lower wages and cost cutting in government and hitting the poor around the world, plus in the USA the African Socialist Brothers or Sisters are second class, the police can kill African Brothers or Sisters and walk away scot free, maybe the Nazis rule the USA ? Britain is becoming a little raciest as well, because outsiders are an easy target in my opinion, remember Hitler blamed the Jews, now its the foreigners who are to blame, the right or conservatives always need someone to blame to get into power, because as a socialist there is no nations for me, just a brotherhood and sisterhood of mankind to be honest. I know this would not be welcomed by the people of the west, a second poverty tax after VAT on PCs, TVs, Cars, DVDs, CDs, Sports Tickets, Music Adverts and so on, to bring in more tax for medical health care, education, to help the poor within society as well and the old people within society. Plus bring all national debt of all the western nations into one loan over a longer time scale, but get a better loan deal given me money to spend as well. This is the bit the western nations would not like, I would bring the Russian ruble up to the standard of the Euro to save the Russian Federation as well, because they are part of The New Capitalist Socialism Society Movement, plus also help Brazil get rid of the slums in their country and they could join The New Capitalist Socialism Society Movement on earth as well. https://youtube/watch?v=Ejt_5k8Uhqc
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 16:20:39 +0000

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