The future of America is now akin to a Greek tragedy. The Sword of - TopicsExpress


The future of America is now akin to a Greek tragedy. The Sword of Damacleius is about to fall on the American people. The tragic script written by the proponents of the New World Order, the Elite Globalist Bankers, is being played out now on the international Kabuki stage in the Ukraine between our traitorous American leader, Presiden Barack Hussein Obama and the Russian President, Vladimir Putin. The script has been drafted and rewritten over the millennium and is now in its final form. Each Leader is now playing their part in this Theater Ensemble of the Insane. Russian and American military assets have been secreted in place; covert agreements have been made and the plan to terminate the greatest experimnent of freedom in the world is about to unfold; the end of two centuries of the American Democracy. In its place, after the chaos that will ensue, will be The New World Order, like an evil Phoenix that rises from the ashes. To facilitate this tradgedy, the genocidal termination of millions of American must take place in the coming World War-III, projected to be triggered by the events in the Crimea, that will coincide with false flag events in America. This will be be immediately followed by a vicious, sadistic form of Marshal Law, imprisonment and death. Thru the use of his “pen and his phone” commonly known as Executive Orders, during his six years in Office, President Obama has slowly stripped away our Constitutional protections and codified laws that allow him to arrest to detain and re-educate citizens thru nefarious means of torture and/or immediate execution in his FEMA Death Camps. Depopulation is one of the primary goals. His FEMA Camps will accomplish that goal. Each FEMA train that will transport Americans to the Camps located throughout the nation are documented to contain, based on record and personal observation, guillotines for execution in route to the camps. They are, no doubt, in place to intimidate the new in-transit prisoners and immediately kill those that are disruptive during the journey. It is definately a harbinger of the evil to come. Once America falls, the rest of the world will suffer the same fate. We are living in historic times prophasized in many biblical tomes. The “end of earth” scenarios. There are many disbelievers but reality is about to replace a thousand years of prophesy. Those who thought to expose the Elite Banker cabal’s clandestine, furtive operations are overtly labled as conspiracy theorists but today that subtrafuge is wearing thin. The informed who partake of the truth have accessed the internet‘s alternative media and are beginning to understand the scope of the human carnage that is being exposed. This conspiracy is a factual reality. Vladimir, Putin, Barack Hussein Obama and the powerful Illumanati Globalist banking cartels are in the process of controlling and enslaving the world. Unfortunately, the world citizens and Americans are only watching and nobody is doing anything to stop the this insanity. There is no known opposition to negate the evil intent of this ungodly coterie of death. Read the attached article by Dave Hodges and follow some of the links below as he aptly explains part of the “master game plan” unfolding now in the Crimea in southern Ukrainia. Do not be decieved by the current public persona of Vladimir Putin. He is a cold, calculating former head of the KBG and a cruel participant in the coming carnage as is your smily-faced, star struct fun guy, Barack Hussein Obama. Obama is also a pathological liar and narcissist and he has a dangerous psychological profile and demeanor as evil as Hitler. They will both go down in the annals of history as two of the most vile, despotic miscreants ever to walk the face of this earth if they can pull off the destruction of mankind as we know know it. Don De
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 01:09:33 +0000

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