The gagging law is now with the House of Lords, who are picking it - TopicsExpress


The gagging law is now with the House of Lords, who are picking it apart line by line. They know they have a controversial Bill on their hands, and we know some changes will be made. [1] But we don’t yet know what they will be, and whether they will go far enough to protect our freedom of speech. Many Lords may still not realise how dangerous the gagging law is; they might not understand how this Bill would threaten our right to campaign on issues close to our hearts. Some may be worried about going against their party. So let’s make sure they know just how important this is. THERE ARE TWO WAYS WE CAN HELP CONVINCE THE LORDS TO VOTE THE RIGHT WAY 1. Do you have campaigning experience you are willing to share? Is there something you have been part of which is at risk because of the gagging law? If yes, please click here: Share your story Most of us probably won’t know a Lord. But peers have told us that the personal approach works. 38 Degrees members feel really passionately about protecting our right to campaign. If we all share our personal views about this with the Lords, they will be less likely to dismiss the issue. Do you have a story about how the gagging law could stop you campaigning on an issue you love? Whether you belong to a large charity like Oxfam or have helped set up a small local group, this new law could have a damaging effect on what you can do in the year before an election: Share your story 2. Do you know someone in the House of Lords? Would you be willing to contact them personally? If yes, please click here: I know a lord Nearly two hundred of our members have already been in touch to say they know a Lord and would be happy to contact them. Some have said they are personal friends, or related by marriage. Others have worked with a peer, or simply attend the same church. However you know them, getting in touch will make a difference. Hearing a personal, passionate plea about why the gagging law is wrong might convince a Lord to vote the right way. If you know one, please click here: I know a lord Some 38 Degrees members think the House of Lords plays an important role in our democratic process, and others think it should be reformed. Whatever your view, Peers are going to play a crucial role in deciding what happens to the gagging law, so we need to make sure they know what we think! If we can bring to life for the Peers exactly what could be lost if the gagging law goes through, then they are more likely to speak out against it. We’re going to collect all of the stories we get from 38 Degrees members, and deliver them directly into Lords’ in-trays. We want them to be full of the views of ordinary people up and down the UK. Can you tell us your story so we can share it with the House of Lords? Thanks for being involved, Belinda, Ian, Blanche and the 38 Degrees team
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 15:01:23 +0000

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