The general healing and rejuvenative effects of a 100% live-food - TopicsExpress


The general healing and rejuvenative effects of a 100% live-food diet is another key diabetes healing factor in the Dr. Cousens’s Diabetes Recovery Program—A Holistic Approach. In general, on a live-food, plant-source-only diet, people’s sense of well-being greatly improves, which is already well described in the results of one of my master students’ thesis, where 525 people who’d been on at least 80% live foods for at least two years had significant improvements. Her study found that overeating was decreased by five times. Eighty-two percent of people moved closer to their optimal weight. Quality of sleep increased 19% for participants since transitioning to live foods. Blood pressure normalized, cholesterol levels normalized, and postmeal symptoms including indigestion, bloating, fatigue, and weakness diminished. Bowel functions improved. Participants experiencing two or more bowel movements per day increased from 25% to 78%. Laxative use dropped from 36% to 2%. The immune system improved, with a 93.4% decrease in reports of getting sick easily. Seventy-three percent reported improvement in flexibility. Fifty-eight percent reported improvement in muscular strength. Participants experienced threefold improvement in overall energy levels. Arthritis and joint problems showed an 88% improvement. Exercise became more regular (67% exercised 3–6 times a week versus 46% before live foods). Teeth conditions improved, and “good or excellent” teeth and gum evaluations rose from 51% to 68%. Addictions diminished, with 62% of those who were suffering from food addiction feeling addiction free after switching to live foods. Gabriel Cousens, MD There Is a Cure for Diabetes - Revised Edition (pp. 370) Another opportunity to transform with Tree of Lifes 21-Day Transformation Program!
Posted on: Tue, 27 May 2014 17:44:50 +0000

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