The god exist with his creation, and proof of the angels they are - TopicsExpress


The god exist with his creation, and proof of the angels they are with the creation too anywhere How to deal with the god. And the angels. In the holy book the god say Don’t you see that the god knows what is in the skies and in the earth, if there are three creatures the god is their forth, if there are four creatures. The god is their fifth, if there are five creatures the god is their sixth, if there is less than that or more count. The god is with them too. Wherever they are, the god will tell them what they did at the judgment day, the god knows everything. In the holy book the god say Those who said that the god is our lord then straighten. The angels will go down to them don’t be afraid, don’t feel sad and they are promised of entering the heaven, the god promised them. We are your allies in life and afterlife, and in the afterlife you will have whatever you wish for. And what you call, messengers from the merciful and the kind. In the holy book the god say Who is the better speech than who preach to the god and Do good deeds, and Say he is from the Muslims. In the holy book the god say Who believed in god? Fear the god and believe in his prophet, the god will give you two protectors from his kindness, and will make for you a light to walk with it. And forgive you. The god is the forgiving and kind In the holy book the god say To the believers, is it enough that the god will provide you with three thousands of angels, if you Patient and fear the god. They will come to you right away. The god provides you with five thousand angles with signs. The god exists with all his creation. Everywhere and any time. The god send angles to his creatures that believe in the god only, and straighten in doing the god’s rules and the ways of the prophet god bless. The angels will support the believers in life and telling them don’t be afraid ever or sad ever and the god will reward them with the heavens that the god promised the believers. In heaven you have what you wish for. The god is forgiving and kind. The god say there no better speech than the speech of someone who calls people to the god and do good deeds and say he is Muslim. Those are the good slaves of the god. The god sends to who fears the god two angels to protect the believer and support the believer in life and overcome the hardships in life. This is kindness from the god. To light the believer’s path in life and afterlife, who is better than someone who takes the god as a support and guide the god forgives and wombs them. The god is kind and forgiving. The god provides the patient believer who fears the god with an army of angels right away when needed, those angels comedown from the sky to defend the believer. I will explain later the strength of the angels. The god say to the believers three thousands of the angels are not enough for you? Let us find out the strength of the angels. The god has soldiers. We know some of them and we don’t know some. Some of the god’s soldiers are the angels. Let us see situations that show what few angels can do with villages that worship other than the god and challenged the god * The people of Aad they were so strong, the first people of Aad or the second people of Aad. The challenged the god, the first group made a city called Erm. To look like the heavens and they built it on stands. With rivers of milk, honey, win and clear water. The sand group of that city was made from jewels , the first group kings were two brothers “ Shadad and Shaded” after their people finished building the city and there were in their way to the city a day before they arrive to the city the god sent few angels to eliminate the people of Aad. They disappeared from the surface of earth and destroyed the city as well the city location was between Yemen and Saudi Arabia around this area. No injuries in the angels. The second group of Aad where So strong as well they challenged the god and mocked the god prophet Hud god bless , they were so strong and they use their strength to destroy everything around them. The god sent few angels with wind that take them out from earth, the angels saved the prophet of the god and his family before the punishment. No injuries in the angels ** People of Thamoud, they were as strong as well they had the ability to carve houses in the mountains with their strength. They were so aggressive as well, the god sent them a kind prophet really good man his name is Saleh god bless and it mean the good man. They mocked him and did not listen to his speech, the god sent to few angels and with one shout from the angel they fall dead in their houses. No injuries in the angels. *** The people of the prophet Lot. God bless. They were so bad people they used to like men and leave women; they are the first who did that sin ever. The god send the angels to save his prophet Lot god bless and the punishment was the angels carried the village to the sky then flip all the village upside down with its people and houses , the angels made the lower point of the village the highest point then throw the village from the sky it was destroyed completely . No injuries in the angels. **** The jinn. Before the creation of the first human. The earth was a living place for the jinn communities. they lived on earth and they started corrupt the earth, the god wanted to clear the earth and replace the bad jinn with a human to build the earth, the god sent few angels to punish the bad jinn and save the good jinn, the angels destroy all jinn and the jinn run to the far sides of the earth and hide. There was no injury in the angels, the angels found the devil and he was a baby they take him feeling pity for him to teach him to worship the god in the skies. ***** Prophet Mohamed god bless wars against the disbelievers Few Muslims believers in god supported by angels facing and army of thousands of the disbelievers and the Muslims win against the disbelievers and spread the Islam. No injuries in the angels Some famous stories was told by the disbelievers who become Muslims later they said during war with the Muslim they used to see a lot of people but the truth there was only few Muslims. The god sent angels from skies when the disbelievers look at the army of the Muslims it seems to him he see a big army but he does not know they are Muslims and angels. An example. The first wars of Muslims there were about 310 Muslim against 1000 or more from the disbelievers and the Muslims won the war. Only 14 Muslim died in this war. ****** Jesus god bless , when his enemies made plans to kill him like all other prophets the god sent his angel holy spirit to tell Jesus god bless the god is saving him and raising Jesus god bless to the god. The god saved Jesus god bless from any harm the same way the god saved lot , Mohamed , Ibrahim, all of the prophets god bless. ******* The angel of the horn, when the angel blows the horn one time. Everyone in earth and in the skies will be shocked and die only what the god does not want to die will stay alive, When the angel blows in the horn for the second time everyone will be resurrected to answer the call of the resurrection day. One Blow ******** The angels or hell are nineteen angels only, their job is to control and punish the people of hell. The people in hell are a lot because they are from the first creation of human and jinn to the resurrection day. A lot. Only few people will go to the heavens by the permission of the god and his kindness. How to deal with the god and the angels. You have to keep yourself clean all the time. Show your respect and believe they are around you. Pray a lot, praise a lot, thank god a lot. Ask the god to forgive you a lot, watch out what you say, what you do. Know the god watch what you say and what you do. .
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 18:07:20 +0000

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