The good old days! How charming is this extract from the - TopicsExpress


The good old days! How charming is this extract from the Manchester Evening News 1914 to mark Withington Baths being the first public pool in Manchester to allow mixed bathing. Join us tomorrow at 12 noon for a celebratory free dip & photo opp! ......In the evening the ladies, who were much more in evidence than the men, made dressing-rooms of the hot-water baths, and if the plunge bath was crowded no one complained. Everyone indeed was in high spirits and the bath resounded with hilarious shouts. There would be a splash, a scream, and a merry peal of laughter. The scene reminded one of a busy seaside resort on a warm day. There was nothing to offend the tender susceptibilities of the most fastidious. The costumes we saw were all, with the exception of one of bright green, of a dark colour. Only in the choice of caps had the ladies really any scope. There were grey caps, blue caps, red caps, pink caps, and the little hint of colour afforded by these relieved the monotony of the dark costumes to some extent.
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 16:58:57 +0000

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