The gospel is always evangelistic, intended to be passed on by - TopicsExpress


The gospel is always evangelistic, intended to be passed on by word of mouth. In the New Testament every word for evangelism is a speech word. The gospel is not a mere theory in a book, a mummified idea, but a living oral proclamation. The gospel is meant to be heard, presented. The word of God is alive. It flows with life. We have the Bible not because it has been preserved as an ancient document. It is not a museum exhibit; it is alive. Living things do not need preserving. The English word “gospel” comes from an Anglo Saxon word meaning “good tidings”. We are spreading “good news” not “good information.” The gospel is always a personal announcement from the mouth of a messenger who has made a glad discovery. More than that. The good news proclaimed a change in the world’s affairs for everybody, tidings of a battle won and a great enemy overthrown. Mark’s first verse is “The beginning of the gospel ( good news) about Jesus Christ.” He had been pre-empted by an angel at the birth of Jesus: “I bring you good news of great joy” (Lk 2:10). He used the same Greek word for “good news” and added another one, the Greek chara, for “great joy.” Paul said he owed a debt to both Jew and Gentile – he knew that they had a right to hear the good news and to experience the joy of knowing Jesus Christ. God bless you.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 06:48:44 +0000

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