The government. Wealthy philanthropists. Large non-profit - TopicsExpress


The government. Wealthy philanthropists. Large non-profit organizations. Everyday Americans. Collectively they provide hundreds of Billions of dollars to health related research. From back pain and breast cancer to depression and removal of wisdom teeth, theres a large gap between what is known.....and what gets practiced. In the United States, an area of health care in worse shape than the practice of Traditional Medicine is the practice of Dentistry. The only area of health care in worse shape than the practice of Dentistry is the practice of psychology-psychiatry. traditional medicine…… A recent study for example, found that only half of all cardiac guidelines are based on scientific evidence. President Barack Obama...Speech to the American Medical Association [June 15, 2009] Out of 7000 cardiology recommendation guidelines, 11% are substantiated by clinical trials that you and I trust…..This is made public but its not getting through to the doctors that their information is coming from the drug companies. [Dr. John Abramson , Lecturer, Harvard University....stated on the Dr. Oz Show May 13, 2011]. dentistry…… Documenting the gap between what is occurring in clinical practice and what published research findings suggest should be happening is an important step toward improving care. The authors conducted a study to quantify the concordance between clinical practice and published evidence….. The authors limited analyses to participants in the United States…..591. Dentists reported a medium-range concordance between practice and published evidence. Efforts to bring research findings into routine practice are needed…. W.E. Norton, et al Concordance between clinical practice and published evidence Findings from The National Dental Practice-Based Research Network Journal Of The American Dental Association…..Volume 145 #1, January 2014….page 22 - 31 psychology--psychiatriy…… Practice is not reflecting the research. Ninety to 95% of programs have no research base. The gap between what is known and what is being provided in routine care is huge. Kimberly Hogwood [New York Office Of Mental Health] Associated Press, The Daily Texan, April 11, 2002 The U.S. mental health system is in crisis....according to a federal report. The fundamental problem: emphasizing medicating people over fostering ways to help them lead productive lives. Associated Press, The Daily Texan [September 17, 2002] . . . Buyer beware! ......the benefits that US health care currently deliver may not outweigh the aggregate health harm it imparts. Journal Of The American Medical Association...Volume 302 #1..July 1, 89 - 91
Posted on: Fri, 23 May 2014 00:23:51 +0000

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