The government has admitted it was wrong to cut the benefits of a - TopicsExpress


The government has admitted it was wrong to cut the benefits of a man who starved to death. The Department of Work and Pensions said it was incorrect to cut Mark Woods benefits to £40 despite his disabilities and suffering various illnesses. The 44-year-old weighed just 5st 8lbs when he died after he was assessed as fit to work by Government contractor Atos. A spokesman said: The coroner attributed Mr Woods eating disorder and food phobia as the likely cause of his death, rather than his benefits being stopped. However, after receiving new evidence from Mark Woods GP which was not presented at the first assessment, we have revised our original decision. We have written to Mr Woods family about this decision and are carrying out an internal review. Mark died at his home in Bampton – part of David Cameron’s Oxfordshire constituency – in August last year. He had Asperger syndrome and obsessive compulsive disorder, in addition to cognitive behavioural problems, including a phobia of certain foods. His GP Nicolas Ward told Oxford coroners court: He was an extremely fragile individual who was coping with life. Something pushed him or affected him in the time before he died and the only thing I can put my finger on is the pressure he felt when his benefits were removed.” Dr Ward added that he had not been contacted by Atos – the France-based firm that carries out benefit assessments – or the Department for Work and Pensions about his patient’s medical history. He told the court that, had he been asked, he would have ruled him unfit for work. Following last April’s assessment, Mark, described as “gentle and sweet”, lost his housing benefit and employment support, leaving him just £40 a week disability allowance – not even enough to cover his rent or utility bills. Mark’s mum Jill Gant, from Abingdon, said the family knew nothing of his money problems until a few weeks before his death. She gave him £250, but said that by then it was too late. Mark’s sister Cathie Wood, 48, of North Oxford, said: When the police found him, there was very little food in the house, just half a banana and a tin of tuna. She added: “Atos are completely to blame. Anyone who knew Mark’s complex problems would see he couldn’t work. She added: I’d like David Cameron and his Government to be aware of the personal cost of their policies and how they are affecting real people and causing real heartache. In a narrative verdict, Coroner Darren Salter said it was likely that Mark’s food phobias contributed to his death. A spokesman for Atos Healthcare said: We carry out assessments as professionally and compassionately as possible. Tom Pollard, Policy and Campaigns Manager at Mind, said: We were deeply saddened to hear of the death of Mark Wood. Unfortunately this tragic case is not an isolated incident. We hear too often how changes to benefits are negatively impacting vulnerable individuals, who struggle to navigate a complex, and increasingly punitive, system. We know the assessment process for those applying for Employment and Support Allowance is very stressful, and too crude to accurately assess the impact a mental health problem has on someone’s ability to work. This leads to people not getting the right support and being put under excessive pressure which can make their health worse and push them further from the workplace. We urgently need to see a complete overhaul of the system, to ensure nobody else falls through the cracks.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 23:26:36 +0000

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