The government of the State has provided for the common schools up - TopicsExpress


The government of the State has provided for the common schools up to the eighth grade, and meets the general expenses of these schools. The treasury of this state has provided for one of the best universities that can be found in any state in the Union; thoroughly equipped for the highest education in the land. The State Legislature has also provided out of the State treasury, for an agricultural college, a most worthy and efficient institution of instruction and training for the youth of the people of the state. In addition to these, we are having forced upon the people high schools throughout every part of the land. I believe that we are running education mad. I believe that we are taxing the people more for education than they should be taxed. This is my sentiment. And especially is it my sentiment when the fact is known that all these burdens are placed upon the tax payers of the state to teach the learning or education of this world. God is not in it. Religion is excluded from it. The Bible is excluded from it. And those who desire to have their children receive the advantages of moral and religious education are excluded from all these state organizations, and if we will have our children properly taught in principles of righteousness, morality and religion, we have to establish Church schools or institutions of education of our own, and thus the burdens of taxation are increased upon the people. We have to do it in order that our children may have the advantages of moral training in their youth. I know that I shall be criticized by professional lovers of education, for expressing my idea in relation to this matter. - President Joseph F. Smith General Conference, October 1915 (and it all stems from compulsory dictation of the use of time ). ( compulsory education _ as defined and mandated by STATE ) as an intrusion and interference in God given rights and relationships and quest of discovery and knowledge .. God, family and country . first . Thomas Jefferson said I have sworn on an altar of God eternal hostility over control of the mind of man . ( woman or children ) Parents, extended families and communities are the proper steward of children; in freedom, in faith, and families as the foundation. This education thing is to support TAXES and they do it to make you believe it is for a good cause . Of course realms of discovery and quest for knowledge and understanding is consistent with Intelligence and knowledge is power .. Intelligence is the glory of God and He is the source of all truth , knowledge and power .. To God be the Glory . One should learn tolerance and love and not allow the state to define education and not allow state to usurp parents and families in the joy and union of discovery with families as the foundation in freedom. Unless one violates the rights of another he should not be detained in his freedom and rights of conscience and presumption of innocence. IS MY BELIEF AND OPINION. The State is Not God . with love , Camille
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 14:25:06 +0000

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