The government offers a safe haven (heaven), for its hired - TopicsExpress


The government offers a safe haven (heaven), for its hired assassins, white people who murder black races (mankind), so all other races, who are not white persons are not Citizens, as stated in the Constitution, white persons, they are the only person/persons who are able to become Citizens.... 3:8. ‘Our Lord!’, (they pray,) ‘Let not our hearts become perverse after You have guided us, and grant us from Your Own Self special mercy, for You alone are the Most Liberal Bestower. رَبَّنَا لَا تُزِغْ قُلُوبَنَا بَعْدَ إِذْ هَدَيْتَنَا وَهَبْ لَنَا مِن لَّدُنكَ رَحْمَةً ۚ إِنَّكَ أَنتَ الْوَهَّابُ 3:8 This is the prayer of those who are firmly grounded in knowledge. The more they know, the more they realize how little they know of all the profound truth of the spiritual world. They also realise that there is no bigger loss than going astray after having found the right path. The prayer is a fitting sequel to the preceding verse: it draws attention to the purification of the heart and intensive prayer that allows the elimination of the error of interpreting any seemingly ambiguous Qur’ânic statement in a manner that is at variance with the nucleus and foundation of the Book; with no ambiguity left, and is clear in meaning and decisive in exposition. “Purification of the heart” is therefore necessary to understand the underlying meanings. The Holy Qur’ân says that only those, who by leading righteous lives achieve purity of heart are granted true understanding and insight into the real meanings of the Holy Qur’ân (56:79). The verse points out that people often receive a favour from Allâh, which some time later, because of their sins, proves to be a stumbling block for them. They misinterpret Divine guidance and thus bring about their own ruin, as in the case of the Christians. Muslims are also warned to pay attention to this kind of error. The Holy Prophet (pbuh) while hearing some disputing over the interpretation of certain verses of the Holy Qur’ân, is reported to have said, “Thus were ruined those who have gone before you. They interpreted certain parts of their Scriptures in such a manner as to make them contradict other parts. But the Holy Qur’ân has been so revealed that different parts of it should corroborate with one another. So do not reject any truth by making one part contradict the other” (Ahmad bin Hambel). Message from a friend Abdur Rashid Whats important when dealing with liars and the screwed truth is to examine what God is doing regarding each time dispensation. There is always lies that is intertwined in the truth to further the agenda of the wicked no matter the culture, because evil is one in the same. Yes,,, unfortunately we must extrapolate the truth from all writings of man. When searching for the truth because of ancient dogma. I find it most important when analyzing religious text that we should pay attention to how God is governing as opposed to the writings of man. I examine the Tora, Quran, and the Bible then marry the truth by extrapolating the truth from the three. I think we must look for the truth through the actions of God not by the actions of man. Man can only react to the actions of God not the other way around. As I have gotten further into my studies I concluded all to often, that the focus has been given unto deception as opposed to the truth of God within the deception of lies. For me I will continue my efforts too examine the main three pillars of religion, with the understanding that Gods will can not be hidden nor changed. Unless God allows it for His purpose and this God will do to frustrate His beloved son satan. Remember God allowed satan to operate on earth for a reason, an exist. God has done this for reason beyond our comprehension. It doesnt take much to see that the devils hand is written upon the actions of man. But it is more important that we further the cause of God while having the same spirit and image of goodness of God. Furthering the Future As our children grow up and realize that in America and Nations like her, their lives are of no importance, they grow with an anger and a resentment of the people..... If you read the Constitution very carefully, you can see that your president is not a citizen of the United States of America only white persons can become Citizens ........ Now Im Fed-up... Lets break down the SLAVERY structure, some say that they are Israelites, some claim to be Israeli, some claim to be Christian, some claim to be Hindus, some claim to Baptist, some claim to be Catholic, some claim to be Pentecostal, yet none claim to be divided..... Islam, in the Holy Bible, Elijah placed stones on the ground and named the stones 12 tribes, so this is where all Israel type religious beliefs stem from, yet no one believes that Elijah was the last prophet, except for the Muslim people, why is that, when in Scriptures of the Holy Bible, Elijah himself claims to be the only prophet of the Lord left, claiming that authority in front of the people..... These falsehood, factory leaders of Satanism are entwined with social society, to satire and steer the people into a submissive state for these demonic cultural heritage foundation thieves, Hebrew and Jews, Hebrews being the Gentile and Jews being the false promised people.... Who were the disciples of Jesus, and what purpose did they serve as followers of Christ....? Were they a regime of his own kind, paid to keep him secluded from others....? United States has regimes around the world, hired watchmen and women, to keep the masses in control..... We are Black and Muslim, they are White and Christian, so when you are Black and Christian, or White and Muslim, their is a problem, because of the World Leaderships Agenda, which is to keep the masses of colored races from unifying, so as long as we protect our different types of beliefs, then theres no agreement as far as unity among the races of Color is concerned, and we will keep dying to provide services and protection for our enemies, the wicked in high places of political positions.... So if all white government agencies are in control, then Christ-like people (mankind), we will continue to struggle along with the people of non-colored origin who sees the injustices of their races leadership, and the trivial obstacles which has been placed upon the people of Color, and tries to help or defend against these terroristic acts..... Its about race, membership and control to these people, and even their own people are captives to secrecy of their murderous lifestyles..... They are killers and rapists, liars and deceivers, con-artist and pranksters, operating a systematic organization of hide behind the leadership in government, and let the people hunt for the terrorist, keeping the Truth away to be constantly in search of, as if to seek him, a created, creative creator..... God .... creator of the Word Dog .... chaser of his tail Justice, something to think about Picture that with Cataracts and a Kodak
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 20:43:48 +0000

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