The government works for and protects the corporations. The - TopicsExpress


The government works for and protects the corporations. The businessmen who hold positions of power within all federal, state, and local government, and all the regulatory agencies, have attained their political status for one reason; to serve and protect their business associates in the private sector, mainly the CEOs and executives of all corporations and their major stockholders. The people at the top of all government and political structures, are the same people at the top of all business and economic structures. They just assume different titles, and put on different hats, and play different roles in their role playing game called Plutocracy. Plutocracy is fascism. Fascism is the merger of government and business. This is what true capitalism is. Dont think that there is a difference between corporatism and capitalism, there is no difference. The legal definition of a corporation is to form a company that has only one purpose, to make a profit for its shareholders. The definition of capitalism is an economic system in which investment in and ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange of wealth is made and maintained chiefly by private individuals or corporations, especially as contrasted to cooperatively or state-owned means of wealth. So instead of people within the government representing and serving the citizens and protecting their interests and rights, in our current capitalist-fascist, Plutocracy, the people within the government are representing and serving only those private businessmen; the capitalists, who though ever changing laws and deregulation, are becoming more powerful and wealthy, as their corporations grow larger and function without resistance to amass more power and wealth. Until we slow down and stop and reverse this ever growing business relationship between all government agents and all corporate sociopaths and psychopaths, they will continue to destroy all of our jobs, our economy, our lives, and our home planet, until there is nothing left to capitalize on. They need intervention, they need hard love. They will never ever stop doing what they do. They seek more power and more wealth, and enough is never enough, and too much is never enough. Stop believing that any person within the structure of government or business, any politician or corporate leader, is going to help you or have your best interests in their plans. They dont. They serve themselves and each other only. Their only concern is that you and I continue to play their game regardless of our political or economic identity. It doesnt matter to them if you are a democrat, republican, or independent. It means nothing to them if you are liberal or conservative. They care not if you are black or white. As long as you stay within the mental, emotional, and psychological boundaries that they have encamped you and I with. That is there only real control over us. When you finally break free from this illusion and become aware and awoken, they lose control. They lose one more human being who now is free to think critically and not just accept the way it is, and who can never believe their obvious lies, that they transmit nonstop through there government controlled, corporate mainstream media, news, entertainment, and educational system, propaganda machine. Take your power back. Refuse to be their slave anymore. Unite with all people on our small, temporary, home planet. One race; Human. One place; Earth. No flags, no borders. Stop following their orders. Think like an Anarchist, Live like a Pacifist. Peace.
Posted on: Sun, 04 May 2014 14:05:07 +0000

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