The governments number one achievement: eliminating an amazingly - TopicsExpress


The governments number one achievement: eliminating an amazingly successful environmental policy! Lets say youre a government minister and you have public information that youd prefer the public didnt hear about – like, for example, that the carbon tax your government abolished was performing well above expectations in reducing emissions in its second year after already doing a great job in its first. What do you do? Well, you have a few options. Governments are well known for publishing news they want to bury late on a Friday, when people pay the least attention and when most journalists are already completing their weeks work, in the hopes that itll be a dead story by Monday. Whats even better is to publish just before a major holiday, like Australia Day or Easter or ANZAC Day, or – best of all – Xmas, because people arent reading the news, networks and newspapers are on skeleton staff, and hopefully no-one will notice that the thing that the Prime Minister has singled out as being his number one achievement (for women) for the previous year is effectively an act of wilful environmental vandalism. So you can applaud Environment Minister Greg Aw man, cant Julie go to the climate change thing in Lima instead? Hunt for doing what technically counts as being the most shrewd and professional act of his parliamentary career by waiting until now to release data from Australias National Greenhouse Gas Inventory showing that emissions declined by 1.4 per cent over the 12 months to June. Unsurprisingly, Greens leader Christine Milne is pretty unimpressed with ol Huntsy. This is the biggest ever drop recorded and the price made it happen, she thundered. Why did the government withhold this report until after the Lima climate talks? These are embarrassing figures for the Abbott government because they demonstrate just how destructive they have been to the global effort to reduce pollution and tackle dangerous global warming. This has inconveniently come on the heels of the Climate Change Authoritys report stating that Direct Action is a useless waste of public money and will almost certainly not hit the tiny targets its purported to achieve earlier this week, but thankfully Hunts department is confident that the meaning of numbers will magically reverse in 2015. Which will also be great news for the governments approval rating! Read More :
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 02:44:32 +0000

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